Chapter Six

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**Charlie’s POV**

Since receiving the heart breaking news, I have yet to have made any contact with my family. All except Jenny. Jenny is my cousin, but probably the only member of my family that I can talk to without feeling judged. She’s only a year younger than me, but her attitude and maturity makes her seem much older. She arrived from Luton earlier today and since then, we haven’t stopped talking.

“So, you’re really living with Harry? Harry Styles from One Direction?” she asked.

“For the tenth time, Jen, yes! I’m living with Harry!”

“Well, where is he then? Are you trying to pull my leg, Char? I mean, I haven’t seen him and I’ve been here three hours!”

“That’s because he’s at a press thing or something to do with the media.”

“Yeah, right. You’ll be telling me next that Orlando Bloom lives upstairs!” As mature as she may be, Jenny loved a bit of sarcasm.

“No, but apparently, the guy upstairs has auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent, so I suppose he has a little bit of fame!”  I laughed.

She rolled her eyes.

“Anyway… what are you planning to do? I mean, you’ve not made any contact with anyone but me since… you know… the news…”

“I’ve just been in a bit of shock, Jen. I don’t know what to do or say or anything. Mum and I weren’t in the best of relationships when I left, I can’t bear to think what she’ll be like now she’s… she’s…”

“Taking dr-“

“Don’t finish that sentence.”

“Why? Charlie, you have to face the truth sooner or later.”

“I choose later.”

We were interrupted by the door opening.

“Only me!” called Harry.

“I didn’t expect you’d be anyone else!” I joked.

He hung his coat up before sitting on the sofa to take his shoes off. Jenny was silent.

“Harry, this is my cousin, Jenny.”

“Hi, Jenny,” he smiled.

She didn’t answer.

“What’s up with her?” 

“Oh, she didn’t believe I lived with you, so now she’s shocked.” 

“She’s not going to fan girl is she?” he asked as he leaned back, in case Jenny was about to pounce him.” 

“Uh, you both know I’m here right?” Jenny interrupted. 

“I’m not sure, you refused to answer at first,” I teased.

“Hi Harry,” she smiled. “Sorry, I was just a little shocked as I thought you lived with your band mate, umm…”

“Louis? Nah, we used to live together but I moved out because I was rarely seeing my friends and family. It was a mutual agreement. Anyone want a cup of tea?”

Harry got up and headed to the kitchen area to put the kettle on.

“I didn’t know you were a fan of One Direction, Jen? Oh, and me, please, Hazz.”

“I’m not. Well, not a big one. They’re music’s cool, but you know I’m an Olly fan. I just read articles sometimes when I’m on those gossip sites. And yes please, Harry. Anyway, the subject has changed. Why do you choose later?" 

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