Chapter Eleven

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It's been a month since the hospital incident and the boys have had a close eye on me. They didn't need to as I was fine but they insisted on it. I was really knuckled down on my studies and the amount of coursework I had done... well, Harry and I had to build a new cabinet to keep all my notes in. To be fair, they were all really looking after me. They'd often visit and we'd have food together or go out and if I ever needed to just talk, they had their phones knocked on 24/7 and if there was an event or something I was able to attend, they'd take me so I wasn't on my own. I suppose the downside to studying at home is the lack of socialising, but the lads took care of that. 

Today, I was doing some research for one of my modules and the boys were out doing some sort of interview so I have some peace and quiet in doing so. 

"I'm hooome!" 

Or at least I had some peace and quiet. 

Harry practically strutted into the living room and sat on the sofa next to me, flashing a toothy grin.

"Good day at the office, dear?" I teased. 

"Yes, actually!" his grin still there.

"Okay, your face is scaring me now."

"Oh, charming one, you are!" 

"What are you so happy about?" 


Before Harry could even begin explaining, four very energetic boys frolicked into the room and found a place to sit. 

"Have you told her yet, Hazzabear?" Louis beamed. 

"Told me what?" 

"Thanks, Louis, I was just getting to it." Harry sighed.

"Tell me what?"

"Cool it, curly, you should've been quicker telling he-"

"For God's sake, tell me what?!"

The room filled with silence before each boy began to smile.

"Well, you know how you need a workplacement for part of your course?" Harry was still smiling.


"And you're studying music producing and music management?"

"Can we stop stating the obvious, Hazz?"

"Okay, well... we spoke to our top dog and-"

"WE GOT YOU A WORK PLACEMENT WITH SYCO!" Louis yelled with excitement.

Holy sweet Jesus.


 The daggers I was giving Louis right now... well, if they were real daggers, I'd be done for murder. 

"Oh my God! Shut up! No way!" Charlie squealed. 

Her reaction made up for Louis stealing my moment. It was such a good feeling to see her happy. 

"Yes way!" Liam exlaimed. "All sorted and everything! You just need to email the address we've been given to confirm you are interested and you can start next week!" 

Charlie errupted from her seat and began jumping up and down with excitement. Clearly this news had made her happy. 

"How did you-? What did-? What happened?!"

"We spoke to the top dog," Niall smiled.

"Simon? Simon Cowell? Simon Cowell as in Simon Cowell who signed people like Leona Lewis and Olly Murs?!"

"Oi! I think you've forgotten one of Simon's finest acts!" said Louis as he narrowed his eyes.

"Wha-? Oh yeah, you guys. Well, I knew that and so did you so there was no point in bringing it up."

"Well, maybe we like it when people bring us up," Louis pouted like a kid who wasn't allowed any sweets.

"How can I ever repay you guys?"

"Just love us unconditionally," Zayn grinned.

"I'll always love you guys!" Charlie smiled as she ran to each of us for a hug.

"By the way, I have some news for you guys, too."

We all turned towards her.

"Well, Jenny has been offered a part time job at the Boots store which is a ten minute drive from us..."

"Sweet!" Liam smiled.

"But the thing is, Luton is over an hour's drive away. So... I was wondering if..." she turned towards me and prepared her puppy eyes. Damn, that look could win me over for anything.

"Of course she can lodge with us. Why ever would I say no?"

Before I knew it, I was slightly winded as Charlie ran towards me and gave me a massive hug. Dear Lord, please do not let this end.

"Thank you, Harry," she mumbled into my chest. "I love you."

I love you, too. So much more than you realise. 

 A/N: Short chapter, I know! But it's building up to a longer one! I promise! Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

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