Chapter Four

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**Charlie’s POV**

It’s been two months since I moved into the flat and I must admit; life here is pretty good. Obviously, since I live with Harry, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting his four best friends, also known as his band mates. I won’t deny that I was slightly shy at first, but now they’re like a second family to me. They’re exactly how Harry described them. Liam is definitely the father-figure of the ‘gang’, but he is great to hang around with. Niall most certainly loves his food. He seems a bit like the baby of the group, despite not being the youngest, but he’s still a great laugh and I get along well with him. With all of them, really. Zayn... he’s the first boy I’ve ever met who is perfectly happy to sit and talk about hair products. He’s probably the shyest of the group, but he’s definitely opened up to me and I’m glad of that. As for Louis… he is such a nutcase! The good kind, though. Seriously, he’s so crazy, but at the same time, he can be so sensitive and caring… even if he doesn’t always show it. 

I’ve got to learn a lot more about the band now, too. I even know most of their songs! You can’t really help it, though, when you hear them practising a lot. The fans are extremely dedicated, too. I don’t think I’ve seen any fan base this dedicated. Nobody knows that Harry and I are flat mates. They have no idea where we live, either. It’s for the best, really. We don’t want rumours sparking up. I can already imagine the kinds that would appear over the internet and printed on newspapers. It’s not something I dream of; I can tell you that now.  

There was a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it!” called Harry as he ran from out of his room.

“Good! Because I’m slaving over the stove!” I replied.

Tonight we were celebrating. The boys had been nominated for a Brit award. We originally planned to go out for food, but with the paparazzi lurking about, we felt it was far safer- and much more fun- if we stayed at ours, instead. Considering the Brits were such a highly appreciated award, I felt as if I should be the one cooking tonight- the boys had clearly earned a treat.  

The silence broke with an outburst of five, hyper boys who burst into the flat and made themselves at home.

“Hey guys,” I greeted them as I turned from the stove.

“It’s Charlie!” Shouted Louis as he ran over to me and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

“LOUIS! PUT ME DOWN!” I shrieked as I whacked him with my wooden spoon.

“Make me!” He yelled.

“I won’t feed you if you keep this up!”

He immediately put me down and pouted.

“You wouldn’t do that to your bestest friend, would you?”

“Try me, Tomlinson,” I said in a semi-serious tone. I was teasing, of course, but if he did it again, I would highly consider sharing his serving between the rest of the boys.

The others soon followed and came to greet me with a hug. They really felt like family to me. Sometimes, I even forget that they’re global superstars.

“What are you cooking, Charl? I’m starving!” said Niall as he rubbed his stomach.

“When are you not hungry?” Liam sighed.

“Spaghetti Bolognaise,” I grinned before returning to my station to cook.

Finally we were sat down to eat. I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I was pretty proud of what I had cooked and by the sound of the grunting and slurping, the boys enjoyed it, too.

“My tastebuds are in heaven!” Niall proclaimed as he spoke with his mouthful.

“Niall, really? At the dinner table?” laughed Liam as he pushed Niall’s mouth closed.

“Yeah, chew first, you messy pig!” Zayn joked. The rest of us began to laugh in unison.

“How excited are you to be nominated, then?” I asked.

“We are ecstatic!” yelled Louis. The boys agreed.

At that moment my phone went off.

“Sorry guys, I better go and get this.” I headed out into the corridor.

**Harry’s POV**

It had been ten minutes since Charlie had excused herself to answer her phone. I must admit, I was beginning to worry.

“What do you think’s up?” whispered Liam.

“…I wonder if she’s got a mystery man she hasn’t told us about?” Louis teased.

I nudged him in the ribs. “Don’t be so ridiculous.”

“Ouch! Steady on! I was only joking!”

“Well, don’t…”

Everyone fell silent as Charlie walked back in. She looked pale, as if she’d seen a ghost. Her eyes were red and puffy. Clearly, she had been crying. I got up from my seat and walked over to her, the boys following closely behind.

“Charlie? Charl, what’s happened?”

She slowly lifted her head up. Her breath was shaking.

“It’s my parents…”

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