Chapter Ninteen

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I opened my eyes as my alarm clock nagged me to wake up. I had yet another sleepless night. I pulled myself out of bed and threw a shirt on and a pair of skinny jeans before heading downstairs. I was greeted by Niall who was eating some cereal. 

"Morning," he smiled in between taking a mouthful of his breakfast.

"Morning," I mumbled before beginning to stretch.

"Sleep well?"

"Not really."

You might be wondering what I'm doing at Niall's place. Well, I live here now. Three months ago is when Charlie and I last spoke. The argument continued after the recording studio incident and I decided that it would be the best if I just moved out and Niall offered for me to stay with him. I have been such a mess since. I've gone out with friends to try and shake the past off my shoulders but it hasn't been that easy and the sleepless nights are adding up. I have to plaster a positive face all time which is so difficult. 

"How are you feeling?" 

"Well, as good as I can be, I suppose."

"The lads and I are planning on going out tonight, you coming with?"

 "Sure, why not? I mean, it's better than being stuck in all alone and sulking."

"You need to get your shit together, dude. Stop letting the past hold you back." 

Niall was right. I shouldn't let it hold onto me. But I couldn't help it. I haven't been right for the entire three months. I hope to God that  tonight will change that. 


It was 10pm and I was sitting in a club with my friend, Tyrone. He's a friend I've made after visiting this club on a regular basis. Since the argument I had with Harry I decided that enough was enough and that it was time for me to live for the moment. Tyrone was pretty good looking and I think he understands me. Unlike Harry.  I needed to move on from him and this was my way of forgetting all about him and his stupid games. 

My dress sense has changed quite a bit, too. Shorts with a dress top and heels is far different from my usual hoodie and jeans. And I wear a lot more make up now, too. I also like a good drink or two..  Or three. Well, YOLO, right? 

"Come and dance, Ty!" I giggled as I pulled him up onto the dance floor. I haven't been here for 30 minutes and I'm already slightly tipsy. 

He followed me to the dancefloor and we began dancing and having a laugh. I guess I've gained some confidence over the past few months because instead of awkwardly sitting on the side and watching people's drinks, I'm now grinding up a guy who I find pretty good looking and having a right laugh. 

"Well, you're certainly no innocent one, are you, Charlie?" his raspy voice remarked before laughing. 

Tyrone was really nice. He kept buying me drinks because he knows that now I have no job, I don't have that much money. It's a shame Jenny wasn't here because I'm sure she'd like him, too, but she's being such a boring sod lately and prefers to have movie nights in at our flat or just have an early night for work. 

"Ty, that's like my 8th drink tonight! You sure?" I slurred. 

"Anything for my babe," he winked. 

I didn't care. If he wanted to buy me a drink, why should I stop him? 

"Babe, it's getting loud and crowded in here. Fancy coming for a walk?" 

"But this is my jaaaam!" I whined.

He took my hand and began to pull me out. 

"Come on, it'll play again later. Let's get some air." 

I didn't hesitate to leave and just followed Tyrone out of the club and into the dark night. 

"Where are we going?" I giggled as I wobbled behind him. 

"Just for some air..."

We began walking down the empty street which was lit with dim streetlights and smelt of unrine and alcohol. Gross. Tryone began gripping my hand tighter as he took me into the doorway of an abandoned building.

"What are you doing?"

"I just want to kiss you, Charlie, you're so hot, I can't resist."


The car pulled up to street that the local club was located. It was dark out and not many people were in the street. They were probably all in the club, partying. 

"Right, I'm parking here because I'm not risking getting my Range Rover getting puke or alcohol over it from people stumbling out of the club," stated Niall as he parked the car. 

We all jumped out of the car and began walking towards the club. I could hear some sort of screaming but I chose to ignore it. 

"Jesus, I think some people couldn't wait to get to the bedroom because it sounds like they're making love in the street!" Louis pointed out in disgust.

"Well, you know the youth of today," Liam muttered as he began to walk up the street. 

"You alright, mate?" Zayn asked. "You're being rather quiet." 

"Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking," I lied through my teeth. 

The screaming got louder. 

"For God's sake, don't they realise that this is a public area?" Louis complained. 

I looked up and in the distance I could see two figures from where the screaming was coming from.  It didn't look like they were making out, either. The female figure seemed to be struggling and the male figure seemed to be dominant over the female.  Should I call the police? As we walked closer towards the figure I could hear them talking. 

"Tyrone, please, I don't want this," the vaguely familliar voice struggled.

"Shut up, you slut, you asked for this," the gruff voice replied. 

As the girl struggled under the bloke's strength, her head turned towards my direction. Shit. 

"Is that Charlie?" Niall asked with a concerned tone. 

I was already ahead of him. 

"OI!" I yelled.  I began running towards the figure. That was definitely Charlie. 

I could hear a group of footsteps speeding up behind me and when I finally reached the couple I could see a very helpess Charlie under the power of some bloke who I had never seen befoere.

"Get the fuck away from me, mate," he growled.

"Let her go." I demanded.

"Or what?"

"Let. Her. Go."

Charlie was crying. She sounded so scared and panicked.

The bloke slammed her against the wall as he released her before turning towards me.

"You don't talk back to me, curly," he sneered.

"I'll do whatever I damn well want when you're hurting my friend. Now, leave her alone."

"Or what?"

"Or you'll have us to deal with," Louis piped up.

The bloke said nothing. Instead he swung his balled fist towards me which I grabbed as I threw him to the ground. We began scrapping on the floor but Liam picked me up before Louis took over with Zayn getting involved, too. The three were scrapping on the floor as Charlie began screaming. I turned towards her. She was now crouching on the floor as she cried. Her make up was smudged across her face and I could smell alcohol around her. She had bruises from where the bloke had been gripping onto her. She seemed weak and worried. Niall was on the phone and sirens could be heard in the distance. I knelt on the floor next to Charlie as I held her close to my chest.

"It's okay," I whispered. "It's okay."  

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