Chapter Twenty-Three

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I've been working with the boys and Syco Music for about two months now and things are doing really well. I'm really enjoying the work and life in general. Except one thing. The hate over me dating Harry. It's really hard to stay positive when you have fans threatening to take your own fucking life. Charming. Like, no offense, but there's billions of them- I wish they'd realise that their chance with one of the boys is slim. I know it's disappointing, but they can't stop their entire lives just  because there's a glimmer of hope that the boys may notice them. There's so much more to life than that. I really admire Niall when it comes to the hate. He calls himself "the most carefree mofo in the world" and I think I can agree with him on that. "They're just girls behind keyboards" he says. It's true, I know, but it still hurts. Or hurts me, anyway.

"How was that, Charls?" Louis calls from the recording booth.

"Great! Thanks, Lou!" I smiled as I worked on recording the boys' vocals.  "Liam, you're up!" 

Louis bounced out of the booth and launched onto the sofa and went straight onto his phone. 

"I'm baaack!" Called Harry as he entered the studio.

"Hey," I smiled as he walked over and kissed me. "How was your Radio 1 session with Grimmy?"

"Good, yeah! Played some pretty good tunes and whatnot. How's recording going?"

"Great! Louis' just finished vocals on track 7. Liam's up now and then you." 

"Better go warm my vocal chords up then," he smirked as he headed into the small kitchen area to make some tea. 

I quickly checked my phone at Twitter under the #Charry tag. More hate. Some love. More hate. I let out a sigh. 

"Something up, Charlie?" Louis asked as he looked up from his phone.

"Hmm? Oh, uh, no. Nothing. Just my battery's on 17% and I forgot my charger." I lied

"Catch!" He threw his own charger to me so I could use it. 

"Thanks," I faked a smile.

"Is that all that's wrong?" 


"Okay. If you say so."

The door opened which revealed Zayn giving Niall a piggy back as they carried some bags. 

"We got Chinese food!" Niall proclaimed with happiness. 

"I thought you were gonna have a Nandos?" I asked. 

"It was crowded," Zayn explained. "If we set foot in there, we would've been mobbed, so Niall remembered the takeaway we had once when recording Take Me Home and it's pretty quiet, too." 

"Fairly snuffs. I love a good Chinese!" 

We all stopped what we were doing and sat on the floor as Niall and Zayn dished out the food. We were having a good laugh and a joke, with the boys throwing spring rolls at one another, but the fact that people wanted me dead was still gnawing at me inside. I whipped my phone out and sent a text

To: Olly

- Can we meet up later for a Starbucks? I need to talk to someone x

-Sure, babe! What time you done at the studio? :-) x

-In about two hours. x 

-Will meet you at the closest Starbucks, then x 


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