Chapter Twenty-Two

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The concert had ended and Harry and I sat at the bar and had Orange Juice before Olly walked in. 

"Hey, lovebirds!" he called as he came towards us.

"Hey man," Harry smiled.

"Hi Olly!" I beamed.

"I see you're feeling better from the last time I saw you, eh, Charlie?" 

"Definitely. Had a bit of an incident last night, but all's good now," I smiled.

"Oh, no, what happened?"  Olly looked at me with concern.

We began to explain the past few months and by the end of explaining, Olly looked as if he was going to cry.

"Come here," he pulled me in for a bear hug. 

"Don't you two ever fight like that again. You're meant for each other. I could see it the moment I saw you both together at the BRITs."

Harry and I looked at each other and smiled. 

"Here," Olly took my phone from out of my hand and began typing. "Here's my number, if you ever ever need to talk, I'm here, okay?" 

Oh my fudging God. Olly Murs gave me his number! ME! Do not fangirl, Charlie, do not fangirl.

"Olly, will you take a pic with Charlie? Since she's a massive fan and everything," Harry piped up.

"Anything for one of my mates!" Olly smiled before putting his arm around me and taking my phone to take a selfie of us.

I loved the way Olly took photos with his fans like that. He's such a down to earth guy!

"Listen, the band and I are off out to celebrate finishing tour, you fancy coming with?" 

Oh my God. Oh my fudgeballing God. 

"Sure, I'd love to. What about you. Charlie?" Harry looked at me with his amazing green eyes. He wasn't doing anything in particular but it hit me as to how amazing he looks.

"Yeah, why not? Not like we've got to be anywhere in the morning!" I chirped.


After a few hours at a club and one or two drinks (Well, okay, I stayed away, I had to drive and I can be sensible, I swear) it was time for us to leave. We thought that it'd be a quick and quiet getaway... boy, were we wrong. As we headed out of the club, there was a flood of paparazzi waiting for us. Shit.

I took Charlie's hand and guided her through the oh too familiar swarm of cameras out to find the car.

"Harry! Harry!" they called

"Who is your lady friend?"

"When are you going on tour?" 

"Is this your girlfriend?" 

I stopped in the middle of the waves and looked down at Charlie. She looked at me with her beautiful smile and loving eyes. I knew I had to do this. 

"Yes," is what I replied.

"You what?"

"Yes, Charlie is my girlfriend."

The crowd of papz went nuts.

"How long have you been together?!" 

"Is this the first time you're admitting to this?"

From out of nowhere, Olly emerged from the ocean and smiled, giving me a thumbs up.

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