Chapter Three

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**Harry’s POV**

Sunday is my favourite day of the week. It’s rather rare that I have anything important or work-related to do. It’s rather quiet around here. Charlie’s still in bed and there’s nothing on the TV, so I decided to turn it off. I fixed myself a bowl full of cereal before sitting down on the sofa and logged onto my laptop and onto Twitter. The fact that my mentions are constantly updating is still hard to believe on times. I have over ten-million followers. How crazy is that? The fact that when I tweeted something random, I would get marriage proposals in return. Now that is bizarre.

There was the sound of a door closing, followed by a yawn. Charlie had finally woken up.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” I greeted her.

“Morning,” she yawned.

“Did you sleep okay?”

“Like a log,” she grinned before accompanying me on the sofa.  

“Ah, good. Me too. It was totally worth that trip to Ikea.”

“I know. It’s nice to have a double bed again.”

Silence fell.



"Is there something you've forgotten to tell me?"

"...Like what?"

What did she mean?

"Oh... you know... the fact you're... a global superstar?"


"...I did tell you I sing..."

"Harry, being able to sing and being famous are two different things..."

She didn't seem to happy.

"Why didn't you tell me?" 

I sighed. 

"Well, I thought... if you were a fan, you'd freak out... or treat me different."

She began to laugh. 


"Oh, Hazz!" 

What did she find so funny?


"Did you really think I'd treat you different? Didn't the way I treated you anyway say anything?"


“Of course it did. To me, you were just another guy who had moved into a new place. I didn’t care who you were and I still don’t now… not in a harsh way.”

The fact that she saw passed my fame made me feel happy. I was smiling on the inside as well as the outside. It wasn’t that often that someone saw me for who I really am.

“So… how did you figure me out?”

“Well, I logged onto Yahoo yesterday and you and your big grin was staring back at me along with four other boys. Your band mates, I’m assuming.”

“Your assumption is correct,” I grinned.

“So, you plan on telling me more about it?”

“About what?”

“Your band, silly,” she sighed and eye rolled.

“Oh. Okay. Well, there’s me, obviously-“


“And then there’s Liam. He’s the mature one. The father figure, if you will. Though, he can be a great laugh. Then there’s Niall. He’s from Ireland. His obsession with food is incredible, but he’s also a good laugh. Zayn’s the vain one, but not in a bad way. His hair is amazing. He’s quite shy, but when you get to know him, he is such good fun to be around. Lastly, there’s Louis. He’s my best mate. You could say we have a bromance. Our fans call us “Larry Stylingson” as a mix-up of both of our names. It can be funny, but then there’s some people who take it too far, which is hard for Louis, considering he has a girlfriend.”

“You guys sound like a hoot to be around, it has to be said!”

“Oh, we are. It’s like having four brothers around me. It’s so fun.”

“So how did you form as a group?”

“Well, have you heard of The X Factor?”

“Who hasn’t? But I don’t watch it.”

“That’s how you’ve not heard of us, then.  We all entered as soloists, but during Bootcamp, we were put into a group and thus, One Direction was born!”

I began to grin proudly. Reliving the story always makes me smile. It was the beginning of the rest of my life. 

“Wow, that was an interesting story.”  I couldn’t be too sure as to whether she was being sarcastic or not.

“Sarcasm?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes.

“No, genuine. It makes your life seem far more interesting than mine.”

“Ah, I’m sure yours is interesting. Enough about me, tell me more about you.”

“To be honest, there’s nothing much to it. I was born in Luton, I lived with my parents, I went to school, lived your average teenage life, went to gigs, partied a little, finished secondary school, moved out of my parents’ house and here I am, sitting in our flat with you.”

“Wow, that was the shortest autobiography I have ever heard,” I teased.

“What you see is what you get,” she smiled.

Charlie was nice, there was no denying that. There’s a gut feeling that we’re going to be good friends.

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