Chapter Twenty-One

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The sun lit up the room and through my eyelids, causing me to wake up. I flinched at the brightness and groggily woke up and stretched before turning to Harry. The only thing was, he wasn't there. I looked around the room. The house sat in silence and that was quite unusual considering the boys are a very lively bunch. To my left was a coffee table and a note was placed on top. It had my name in bold, so that automatically gave me the right to read it.


We got called to a meeting and I didn't want to disturb you. Sorry that we had to leave without saying anything. If you're feeling better, I have a surprise for you later tonight. Text me if you're up for it? 

Love H x

PS: Hi Charlie, Niall here. Feel free to make yourself breakfast but if you eat all of my food then I may have to reconsider our friendship.  Niall x 

Typical Niall. People may think we're exaggerating when we say he loves his food, but we're really not. I stood up and headed to the kitchen and made myself some toast before trying to make myself look somewhat presentable and leaving to catch a bus back home. I was feeling much better compared to last night. I was still in a bit of pain, but it was managable. 


As I opened the front door to the unsually quiet flat, I looked around in case Jenny had decided to finish her shift early. Obviously not. I slung my bag on the table and took of my very uncomfortable shoes before noticing a white envelope on the table with my name on it. I walked over and proceeded to open it. Inside was a note which read:

If you're reading this, then you're obviously feeling somewhat better and you should have (or should be) texting me if you're interested in coming with me tonight. Where? Well, look at the tickets and I think you'll understand everything.  H x

I opened the envelope once more to see two tickets inside. I pulled them out to see boldly printed:

"Olly Murs Live at the O2, private box,  Harry Styles +1" 

Ahh! We're going to see OLLY MURS! IN THE PRIVATE BOX! He knew me all too well. Shit, I better send him a text.

-Just got home. I would love to go with you! x 

Before the text even finished sending, I hobbled to my room to look for the perfect outfit. I was thinking about wearing my Olly t-shirt I have, but that would kind of be embarrassing. So I decided to go with my skinny jeans and my white blouse. Excitement is an understatement.


It was 5:30PM and Charlie and I arrived at the venue. She tried not to show it, but I could tell how excited she was. Her knee was bouncing in the car and she tapped her fingers on the car door. 

"Wait," she froze just as we were about to get out. 


"Won't there be crowds who will mob us? I mean you?" she asked anxiously.

"Nope, we're at the back of the arena and they can't get in. It's just you, me and any crew," I gave her a reassuring smile before getting out and opening her door for her. My mum always says I've been a gentleman and to be honest, I hope she's right. I don't want to be the Harry Styles that the media potray me as, but the Harry Styles my mother raised right. 

We walked into the venue and hung out in the VIP area until it was time for the show. To be honest, I think Charlie was dying to fangirl but just kept her cool.  She did a good job of hiding it throughout the support acts and during the build up music to Olly's first song, but as soon as he popped up onto the stage, that was it. That wasn't just Charlie anymore. That was fangirl-mode Charlie. I couldn't help but laugh when I watched her face light up as she screamed and sang along to the lyrics of Army of Two. 

Olly put on an amazing performance, as always, and the crowd was so hyped up, it was unbelievable. It's amazing to be able to appreciate what he's feeling up on stage as well as how the audience feels. I even ended up dancing about with Charlie because I was just so into his music. Well, that, and I was trying to make Charlie laugh and impress her with the fact that I too enjoy Olly. Finally, Olly took to the stage for something I had been waiting for all night.

"This next song, I'm going to dedicate to two friends of mine. They are very special and I hope they'll enjoy it. Charlotte, this song is dedicated to you from Harold. He really has feelings for you and I hope you like him as much as he likes you. Enjoy."

At that point, Olly began singing his song, The One. I turned to Charlie who was totally gobsmacked. I couldn't help but smile at her. I took one of her hands and cupped her chin with my other one, bringing it towards mine. 

"And under us the river subsides for you 

Whenever you cry look above, the angels will fly for you 

Cause you're the one 

You can call on me for all of the dark you fear 

And I am here, to start anew 

Before you too comes undone"

I soflty sang along with the lyrics and looked into Charlie's eyes throughout it all. Although she wasn't crying, her eyes glistened with a slight tear. She looked so beautiful. As the song came to it's final lines, I kissed her softly on the lips and she instantly kissed back. When I pulled away, she was smiling, with a single tear trickling down her cheek. I turned back to watch Olly and gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and winked, trying not to make it too obvious about my presence. I turned to Charlie who was trying to pull herself together. 

"Harold?" she giggled.

"Hey, it was better than shouting out my actual name, right? Or do you want to be bombarded with hundreds of people?" I teased.

She pulled me into a hug and I sloped my arms around her waist as I leant my chin on top of her head. We stayed there for a few moments before she moved around to watch Olly, my arms still around her and my head still on top of hers. Charlie was perfect and she was everything I wanted in a girl and more. I've fallen for her and fallen for her hard. I just hope she likes me just as much as I like her....

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