Chapter Sixteen

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I cannot believe what happened. Last night keeps replaying in my head. With the stress of everything getting me I ended up blurting out my secret to Charlie. Great. Straight after it happened, it was an awkward silence before I headed out and drove around for the night to clear my head. 

It was 6AM and I had been driving for a while. I had to go somewhere but I didn't want to go home. It would just be too awkward. I couldn't go to Louis', either. I didn't want to intrude on him and his girlfriend. I whipped my phone from my pocket and began texting Liam.

-Hey. Are you awake?

I put the radio on  to listen to while I waited for a reply. 

"Going back to the corner where I first saw you, gonna camp in my sleeping bag, I'm not gonna move..."

This song really isn't helping. My phone buzzed. Liam had replied.

-Yeah, just taking Loki out for his morning walk. What's up?

-Any chance I can come over? I need someone to talk to.

-Sure. See you in 10?

-Cheers, lad.

I turned off the radio and headed straight to Liam's house. There was a reason why we called him Daddy Directioner. He's really good when it comes to advice and he's really mature.

I soon arrived at Liam's and headed up to the front door before knocking. 

"Alright mate?" he smiled before it faded. "What's happened to you? You look knackered!"

"I've not been asleep. I've been driving around all night and to be honest, I'm not sure what to do."

"What's happened?"

It took a while to explain everything and it was emotional to go through it all again, but I just had to tell someone. 

"So, what do I do?" 

Liam thought for a moment before finally replying.

"Well, the stupidest thing you can do is ignore it. She's your friend and your flatmate. Even if she doesn't feel the same way, you can't just ignore this. I know it's going to be awkward, but life isn't always a walk in the park. You know that."

I sighed as I rubbed my temples. Stress wasn't the word. I've performed in front of millions, done endless amount of interviews, but I don't think I've ever been this stressed.

"So, you think I should bring it back up?"

"Well, no. Not like straight away. Just talk to her normally first- don't drop a bombshell on her."

"But what do I say?"

"You know, the standard stuff. How are you? Your studies going okay? Anything, really. You just can't hide from it Hazz. I know you really want to, but if you expect her to stay your friend or even like you back, you have to put the effort in."

 "You're right. Thanks so much, Liam." 

"No problem, mate. Do you want to nap in the spare room? You look knackered and I don't think it's safe for you to drive when your that tired."

"Are you sure?"

"Course I'm sure."

"Thanks so much."

 I headed into the spare room and crawled into the bed before finally drifting off to sleep. Sleep was exactly what I was in need of.


"So, last night was interesting then?" Jenny asked as she changed into her Boots uniform. 

"You could call it that. Or eventful. Or something," I sat on my bed, strumming my guitar as I relived last night's events in my mind.

"So, how did you end up kissing him?"

"I didn't kiss him. He kissed me."

"Same thing, same thing." Jenny began applying her make up.

"It isn't the same thing, Jen, I didn't choose to kiss him. He just lunged at me. I thought he was going to attack me at first..."

"So, he just randomly comes up to you, pounces you and kisses you?"

"Yeah. Well, no. Sort of."

"Yeah, no, sort of? Which one is it?"

"Well, like I said, I was sitting on the sofa, saw footage of him on the news lashing out, he suddenly comes storming in, mouths off at me, then I told him straight he isn't the only one with problems and then the next thing I knew, he just kisses me." 

I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about the incident since. It's all I've been thinking about. It just doesn't make sense to me. 

"And that's it?" 

"Well... he said 'I love you' then suddenly, he leaves and I haven't seen him since."

"Whoa. Wait, what? He said I love you to you?"


Did she not pay attention? Sometimes I think Jenny's too busy in her own world.

"And what did you say?"

"Well, nothing," I muttered before strumming my guitar again.


"Well, I didn't have the chance. I was slightly stunned and then he suddenly left," I shrugged.

"You didn't think about chasing after him?" Jenny looked at me as though I had two heads.

"Well,  I didn't know what to think. Jenny, whose side are you on?" 

"Well, yours but... just one thing..."


"How do you feel about him?"

Before I could answer, my phone began to ring. Unknown number. 



After a few hours kip in Liam's house, I finally headed home. I was absolutely dreading my arrival home because it meant an awkward time around the flat. Why did Liam have to be right about this? As I went to open the door to the flat, it swung open and before I could even do anything, I was face to face with Jenny.

"Hi, can't talk, gotta go," she threw her words at me.

"where are you going?" I remained standing in front of her.

"Move it, I've got to go to the hospital!" She pushed me out of the way.


"Charlie's there, now move!" 

"What the-? Why is she there?" I grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving. Concern was written all over my face. I was so worried.

"Her mother. Her mother's been taken in and Charlie drove there, I had to call in sick at work and now you're making me late!"

"I'm coming with you."

"Do you think that's a good ide-?"

"I'm coming with you." I repeated. 

"Fine, but I'll drive."

"No, I will. I'm quicker."

I ran down the stairs, ignoring the elevator and headed straight to the car. Once Jenny had also got in, I started the car and put my foot down.

"Slow down, you fool, or we'll be the ones in A&E!" Jenny yelled.

I didn't care. I had to be there for Charlie.

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