Chapter Twelve

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We were in a people carrier on the way to some studio in London and I surprisingly wasn't that nervous. You think I would be, considering I was about to start work placement with Syco Music, but I was strangely calm and just playing a bit of Temple Run 2 on my phone, while the boys were doing their own thing. Niall was munching on some sweets, Louis and Harry were playfighting, Liam was listening to music and Zayn was just sleeping. I guess this is their way of getting into their zones for recording? Either way, you wouldn't think these boys were currently the biggest boyband on the planet this very moment. It really was like having five boys from school with you. 

When we arrived, Paul- their bodyguard- checked for paparazzi and fans and, thankfully, there wasn't any. Well, it was 4AM and it was a rather late scheduled session for the recording studio, so you had to be a super stalker to know the boys would be here today. We hopped out of the vehicle and headed inside quickly in case somebody noticed. It felt like we were part of a top-secret mission, not heading to a recording studio. 

"So, how are you feeling?" Harry asked before stretching and letting out a yawn.

"Good, yeah. No need to ask how you're feeling, sleepy!"

"Ugh, I know. I'm so damn tired," he yawned.

"That's what you get for going out with Grimmy last night! You and your partying, boy, seriously, tone it down!" I teased.

"Hey! I'm living while I'm young!" 

"According to the Adventerous Adventures of One Direction, I should hit you in the balls for such a bad pun," Louis teased. "Make one more joke like that and we'll live up to that expectation." 

"What's the Advent- advente-?" I couldn't even pronnounce it. 

"The Adventerous Adventures of One Direction. It's a cartoon fanfiction about us," Liam grinned.

"I can't believe you haven't seen it!" Niall acted shocked. "Even we have seen it, so it must be good!" 

"Well sorry, Captain Crumb, but I don't tend to stalk my flatmate and his band. Sorry to dissappoint!" I began brushing the crumbs from Niall's jacket. 

We all walked into a sort of longue area in front of the recording room and everyone slumped down in different seats, kicking their shoes off and acting as if they were at home. 

"What, so you're not recording yet?" I asked. 

"Nah, too early!" Louis yawned.

"So... why are we here now?" 

"Well, we had to avoid all the mobs that we could have collided with, so we're here early and chilling before getting down to business. And the producers aren't here yet."

"In the meantime, you should watch this fanfiction, Char," Liam walked over and slumped beside me with his laptop, loading up YouTube.

Moments later, the room was filled with laughter as we watched the boys in cartoon form as they searched for "the pussy magnet" in the cartoon. 

"This is brilliant!" I laughed. 

"I know, right?" Liam joined in with the laughter. "This guy was pure genius!" 

At that moment, the producers walked in. My stomach started to slightly fill with butterflies. This was actually happening. 

"Right, boys," one man began speaking. "Who's ready to record first?" 

"ME!" The boys yelled in unison before running towards the door to push each other out of the way and race into the booth. Typical boys.

I stood there awkwardly as the boys squabbled over who was to go in first until suddenly Harry turned around. 

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