Plan for the third task

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-(y/n) pov-

I was sitting in Severus' office. Lucius has been separating him self from Aunt Lizzie and I. Something is wrong, but I am not going to ask about it. There was a knock on the door and in came aunt Lizzie. She doesn't look to good. I hope she get's better soon the last task is tomorrow. Severus got up from his desk and walked over to her. 

Severus: What's wrong Lizzie?

Lizzie: I'm fine just a cold. I will be better by tomorrow. 

Severus helps Aunt Lizzie sit on one of the chairs and went to find something to take her temp. When he did she placed it in her mouth. When it was done reading. It said her temp was 104.5 which is bad. Severus took them thermometer out of her mouth and placed it in his med kit. He picked her up and we took her to the hospital wing. Sadly madem Pomfrey said she won't be doing the last task since she has the flu. I sat on a chair next to her bed and Severus held her hand as she sleeps. 

(y/n): so who is going to tell them she isn't going to do the task?

Severus: Pomfrey will. 

I hope she fells better to watch though. Only thing Severus has to do is keep her away from others or she will have to wear a mask. We then began to talk about the last task. 

Severus: people will change in this last task. So you better keep on your toes. 

(y/n): Got it. So find the cup and keep away from others. 

Severus: that is correct. 

(y/n): will Aunt Lizzie be okay though is also a question. I know Pomfrey gave her a potion to get rid of the flu, but she won't be able to compete. 

Severus nods his head to that. 

Severus: She will be sitting on the side lines. The potion will stop the virus from spreading, but she will have to wait until the flu disappears completely. Your aunt and I will meet with you at the beginning of the maze.  

I nodded my head to that. I turned my head to Aunt Lizzie and saw she was beginning to wake up from her nap. She look to me then to Severus. 

Lizzie: what did I miss?

(y/n): Not much just us talking about the last task. 

She nods her head and looked to where Severus was sitting.

Severus: No you will not be taking part of that task. You will still be a bit drowsy when it is time to do it. 

She nods her head to that. She has to take more of that potion tomorrow. Lets just hope nothing wrong goes on during the last task. Severus helped her sit up in her bed. We then began to speak what might happen during the task and what I should do. Now lets just hope nothing will happen to Harry or any one else in this task. 

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