Episodio 3: Joining The Gang & Finding Polpo's Fortune

186 6 3

Word Counts: 2422 words.


"What a way to go." Arancini commented upon Polpo's demise.

The masked figure was about to interrogate the capo regarding his possession of the Stand arrow, but instead of finding the usual unhinged yet jolly man, Arancini found him dead, blood and brain mush splattered fantastically on the walls and ceiling. Arancini looks around as it she was trying to find that specific item.

"Fate... what a fickle." The masked figure hum, indulging herself upon the remains of what use to be a Stand arrows along with Polpo's arsenals.


"Come with me, Giorno Giovanna." Bruno started to walk away.

"So, where are we going?" Giorno began to question Bucciarati, whom he found to be quite intriguing.

The man was much more lively than the last time the boy met him, it almost seems like he had another life within him. But that daresay are quite far fetch, so the boy decide to just keep in mind.

"To meet my team, they're all Stand users." Bruno address factually.


"Passione is a fairly large gangster organization." Bruno started right off the bat.

"At the bottom, you have teams composed of six to ten underling, like ours." Bruno added.

"Then, there are the capos, like Polpo, who control them. They control and profit off an area they claim as their territory." The Bucciarati specify.

"There are also specialized teams, such as execution teams and drug teams. They may be part of the same organization, but I don't particularly like to get involved with them or their capos."

"Above everyone else is the boss. The boss only makes contact with his trusted right hand man, so we have no way of knowing who or where he is."

"The gangster in this country don't like to stand out." Bruno stated.

For some reason...

"That's because it's a great way to get assassinated." Anyway.

"For that reason, even the capos dress normal clothes that make it hard to tell them apart from normal people, and have proper day jobs. Our boss is especially adherent to this, and doesn't allow anyone to know his true identity." Anyway.

"If you go snooping around, you'll soon end up dead. I know a number of people who've tried it." Gelato Sorbet style.

"So, Giorno, in order for either of us to get close to this mysterious boss, we'll need to gain recognition. If we don't get recognize by someone close to the boss, and gain their trust, we'll never take the boss down."

"In order to achieve that, we need to first build up power, influence if you will, and work our way to become a capo."

I like your words magic man.

"Of course, it'd be impossible for just the two of us. In order to take down the boss, we'll need a team we can trust."


The news about Polpo's death in prison quickly made its way to the Passione capos.

Many rumors spreads like wild fire, but most close to all agree that Polpo oofed himself.

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