Episodio 5: Sex Pistol Appear [Part 1]!

142 7 8

Word Count: 2687 words.


"Ow! See, right there!" Narancia whines in somewhat a high pitched voice.

"Hey Fugo, look at this. Right here." The lanky boy begged.

"Yeah, you really do have one. It's pretty big." Fugo inspected his head, presumably bruised from former assault.

[Fugo then proceed to pressed it, creating one painful sensation above Narancia's scalp.]

"Ow! That hurts, cut it out! Don't touch it." Narancia yelp, not liking the sensation at all.

"Are you okay?" Giorno asked Arancini who's currently fixing her mask.

"I'm more ashamed than anything else really, to be capture, good grief..." The masked figure look around as if she's looking for someone in particular.

She then stop after a glance with Bruno Bucciarati, who's Giorno perceive to have a some sort of secret with Cerchio Arancini.

Giorno Giovanna was indeed curious, but he have more alarming questions at the moment, so he let it aside for now and keep it in mind.

 "So you've been reading about my father yes?" Giorno decided to pursue.

"You goddamned bastard!" But the raging voice of young Narancia cut him off.

"How dare you do this to me. Now I've got a damned lump." Narancia kicked the mafia over and over again.

"..." Giorno look sullen as Arancini entertained herself with Narancia's mood swing.

"You better be prepared. Here, that this and this!" Narancia added with kicks that'll surely bend a door of a car even.

His kicks will surely leave bruises all over that bastard body.

"You got real carried away." Fugo follow along with his own kicks.

"You bastard!" Abbacchio, the absolute unit kick harder than the rest, sending the bastard's body up into the air.

"Wow..." Arancini whistle.

"Oh, he dropped something. Let's see..." GIorno took a notice upon a fallen wallet.

"Mario Zucchero, from Rome." Arancini voice spike subtly at the word Rome.

"..." Giorno side eyed Cerchio.

"This case, know anything about it?" The masked figure turn as swiftly as a second pass and had already pressuring Zucchero.

"..." The poor bastard's mouth still zipped, but his eyes cannot lie.


"..." Mista crouch menacingly as Arancini retreated.

[The look in Mista's face, it was oddly fascinating]

"Fascinating? He look like a dead fish to me." Abbacchio scoffed at Venetta whispering figure still within her father, Bruno.

"Shh." Bruno quiet down the two before unwanted attention they received.

"What's that on your face? Trash? Or maybe it's a strip of seaweed? It looks like seaweed, but it also kind of looks like a piece of plastic." Mista question with one intimidating tone, mocking Zucchero.

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