Episodio 11: Grateful Death & Beach Boy Begone

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Words Counts: 1761 words.


I think this episode is quite EPIC

Have some choccy melk

"Bucciarati hang onto me!" A vigorous Mista shouted on top of the train surprising not only Bruno Bucciarati himself.

"Mista!" Bruno let go of his hold of Prociutto and held onto his trusty gunman. 

Zipper Sfx

"Mista?!" Prociutto gasp a genuine shock, hearing zip right beside his hear near the train.

"WHat?" The Grateful Death user look beside him only to found another Bucciarati, this one a bit more petite and feminine.

Sticky Finger Sfx


Without a word left to exchange, Venetta bash Prosciutto with a harmony double fist, his body became two, the blond assassin felt his heart slashed as he chocked on his own blood running wild, his life seeps away as Venetta maneuver her Sticky Finger for another assault, most likely the last.

Sticky Finger Sfx

"ANIKI!!!" Pesci rage amok within himself as he no longer felt the life of Prosciutto. 

He can't wrap his hand around this feeling he currently felt. Now that he no longer had anyone, or is it mourn driving him insane? Resolution became solid, Beach Boy in his hand, killing he must.


"We still got that fishing fucker to worry about... He's a bit tricky that one..." Mista help Bruno adjust on top of the train to Rome.

"Venetta, she's the closest one with him, we must help her!" Bruno panicked.

"... I wouldn't worry about her... Look." Guido points towards the incoming fishing hook, Bruno took the hit without hesitation.

"Right, all he knew that Prosciutto was killed by a zipper. Perhaps this is his blind rage on the move." Bruno began to move away from the hook, but Beach Boy's movement became even more accurate and deadly.

"This guy is really good with the fishing hook, Bucciarati, I'll have number 5 to make haste." Mista offered sending now free number 5 to Venetta.

"Until then, make sure I don't do anything foolish Mista." Bruno smiles as he decide to go along with the plan.

Zipper Sfx

"Stay with me number 5. What should I do with him?" Venetta asked more to herself as she moved down below the train, navigating through its engines with her zipper.

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