Chapter 4

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I throw all our stuff into the truck and say goodbye to everyone.

"Hey Matthew, have you seen Grayson?" I ask looking around.

"Oh yeah he left in a hurry last night, he had something to take care of. He said he'd meet us there." I nod "Oh okay, good to know."

I walk over to Percy who's already in the car and take the chance to look at my phone for the first time since we left to see 8 missed calls from my mom. Dread instantly fills me. Panic hits me as I see the missed calls and texts from my mother. Today is the day I die. I think to myself as I text her back explaining what we've been up to these past few days.

Percy's P.O.V

I've been driving for hours, Natalie fell asleep about an hour ago. She looks so peaceful from her usual stressed self. Her hair covers her soft features.

It started raining a few minutes ago and I knew if she was awake she would have had that goofy smile on her face, she loves the rain and storms. She never told me why, her words were "I'll tell you once it's important." Never going to happen, but those were her words.

I guess it hasn't been important enough yet. Last night when she was crying against my chest it was the first time I felt it... the need to be the only one she needs. We've always been there for each other, so it's no surprise to me that I feel like this, but this time... this time it was different.

You don't realise some things until you notice you can't change them or it's too late to do anything about it.

The rain is still crashing down around us. I notice a familiar car passing us, a white range rover. Grayson. Next to me, I see her stretching out of the corner of my eye. A yawn escaped her. "Did you have a nice nap?"

Natalie's P.O.V

I rub my eyes, shifting in my chair to see the rain on the windows. A smile instantly forms. The rain has always made me happy, thunder has always calmed me.

"How far are we?" I turn to face him, his eyes are red and he looks tired in every way. "Four more hours, why?"

"I think you should pull over and let me drive."


"I don't think you're going to make it." He doesn't reply for a while, I keep staring at him till I get a reply. He pulls over and I get into the driver's seat.


A blur of red lights flickers in front of us making me come to a halt. There's a line of cars on either side of the road. I shake Percy's shoulder, waking him from his short-lived nap. "What's going on?"

"I think there was an accident!" I look through the window already unbuckling myself from the seat.

"Nat you're not going out there!" Percy warns. I open my car door, the shock of the cold rain catches me off guard and I do the first thing that comes to mind. I run.

Past every car I run, my breaths get heavy. Till I see it. I see him.


His car door is in the middle of the road, shattered glass everywhere and there he was. Still in the half-deformed car. My heart jumps, and I run as fast as I can towards him. His head dripped with blood.

"Grayson!" I shout. Carefully trying to examine his face without having to touch him, since he must be in pain. "Grayson! Come on, answer me!" his eyes flutter open before falling shut again. People are now getting out of their cars.

"Someone call an ambulance!" I scream looking around trying to find Matthew or anyone at this point. No one. I saw no one.

"Okay, Grayson. I'm going to be right back, I promise."

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