Chapter 27

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Percy P.O.V.

(Previous day)

I slam the door shut as I storm out of Natalie's house. I get into the truck taking a deep breath as I make my way down the road toward my house.

Stopping in front of the garage door. Switching off the ignition, and slam my hands against the steering wheel. My breathing gets faster as I let my head rest against the wheel. I let my emotions take control of me. I feel the first tear fall watching as it falls onto my jeans. Why does this have to happen? I take deep breaths trying to calm myself and throw my head back against the seat. I close my eyes only to open them seconds later when images of her face cloud my thoughts. That hurt in her eyes shines brightly through my memory. I never want to hurt her and never would, but I did. It's not even my fault. I wipe my eyes with the palms of my hands getting out of the car not even bothering to take the bags out from the back.

I enter the house to be greeted with silence. I walk through the hall filled with family photos and notice for the first time how Nat managed to be in all of them. I enter the kitchen to find a note on the marble counter.

"We're out of town, but will be back in time for your birthday. Love you and here is money for food."

- Mom xxx

Typical... I thought walking around the counter grabbing an apple and taking a seat in the living room. I hear scratching against the door that leads to the pool and opens the curtain, just to find Archie, my husky, sitting there patiently. I open the door and instantly get attacked by him. I laugh as he licks at my hands for belly rubs. "Hey buddy did you miss me?" he jumps onto the couch next to me as I switch on the T.V. to see what's new.

The only thing on my mind is how I'm supposed to leave behind my life all because of my dad's job. I send her a text.

Me: I know you don't want to talk to me, but I hope you know this isn't my fault and if I had a choice I would never leave.

I put my phone next to me on the table and stare back at the T.V. I put Loki on while waiting for a reply. Which will probably never come. It would be wishful thinking, but I know Natalie. Once she is hurt she needs time to be alone before she talks to anyone. She builds up walls too fast and she isn't in a hurry to break them down.

Out of all the outcomes, this is not one I imagined... ever.

Then again when I found out I didn't take it that well either. I still don't. I've barely spoken to my parents since I found out and then they leave me, just as I return home. I guess I should be grateful for the little time alone before they get here and I need to face the music.

I decide to get up and grab my car keys off the kitchen counter. Getting into my car and driving around town. I realised I never got Natalie a birthday present and stop at the bookstore.

I walk into the small shop filled with sofas and the smell of coffee hits my nose. I remember she sent me a list of all the books she still needs to buy and read a while back. I honestly fell in love with her for the way she read and how she lived herself into the book as if she was one of the characters, how broken she felt when it ended. She could do what a lot of people could never dream of and that is to be herself unapologetically. Her emotional, sarcastic and stressed self. The girl I loved.


After getting her present I put it into the car and think to myself about how we found that little bookshop and exchanged books. My eyes widen as I remember the comic book. She hasn't read it and probably won't ever.

"Hey Percy, how have you been?" I look around till I spot the person behind the voice. It's Oliver "Hey, it's going alright. How about you?" He shrugs "Can't complain just life you know." I nod "You going anywhere in particular?" He asks me smiling. "Nope just got Nat a birthday present. Why?" he shakes his head "Just asking I'm going to James's house if you want to come with me. He's throwing a party tonight."

"No, I'm good. Thanks for the invite though." He steps away "No problem see you around."

The sky was turning into a dark purple as I pull into the driveway. I take my bags out of the car and walk straight into my room throwing everything onto the floor. This day has been too long I think to myself as I open my phone to order a pizza.


My eyes slowly open, and blurry images make up my sight as I remember how I fell asleep on the couch last night. Archie lies on the couch opposite me. I get up, open the glass door for him to go out and slowly walk over to the kitchen. I rub my eyes with my hand to clear the sleep away.

The pizza box is still on the counter I grab a plate and throw a few pieces on it to heat up in the microwave. My phone rings making me jump. I run over finding it in between the couch cushions. I pick up without looking "Hello."

"Hey, Percy. It's Grayson." I pull the phone from my ear my eyes widening as I look at his name. "Um... no offence, but why are you calling me?" He laughs "Yeah I know its a little last resort, but I can't get a hold of Natalie and I need help." I drag my hand through my hair. "Look Grayson I haven't got a hold of her either and I'm honestly not the best person to ask for help at this moment." There is silence on the other end of the line. "Right okay. Just tell her I need some help when she has the time and we'll see you Saturday."

He ends the call. Yeah, see you Saturday... I'm pretty sure I'm not even welcome there anymore so that's a firm no.

I check my phone to see if I've gotten a text from Natalie yet, but still nothing. I see a text from Oliver.

Oliver: Luke is throwing a party tonight. Tell me you're coming.

I contemplate, wondering if this is a good idea.

Percy: I'll be there.


I walk into Luke's house. The music is blaring I feel it vibrate through my body. Most of the lights are off except for the kitchen. "Percy you made it." Oliver hooks his arm around my neck "Go grab a drink and meet us at the beer pong table," He stumbles forward grabbing the wall for support as he walks away. I enter the kitchen get a beer and walk through the crowded living room, pushing past people until I reach the beer pong table outside. "So where's Natalie?" Oliver asks a smirk on his lips. "At her house," I say with a bored expression on my face. "Oh, that's a shame. I would've liked to have her keep me busy tonight." He laughs, making my hand curl into a fist. "Tell me you wouldn't want to do that too. It's a shame she isn't easy, but I guess that's what makes it fun."

That was the last straw before I see red. I throw the beer bottle down and charge at Oliver. He instantly tumbles to the ground. "I was just kidding." He says laughing, it's all it takes to make my fist connect with his jaw. He grabs my arm pulling me over him until he is on top of me and his fist connects with my cheek. I push him off grabbing him by his neck and hitting it as hard as I can on the ground. He doesn't stop trying to pull me off so I throw my fist at his face hit after hit until someone pulls me away from behind.

I didn't notice the audience we attracted until I stand up. "Talk about her like that again and next time I make sure you can't speak again!" I warn walking away. I walk back into the kitchen grabbing another beer before walking out of the house. This is why I don't do parties... there's always drama. I get into the car trying to calm my breathing.

I look into the rear-view mirror seeing the cut on my cheek that he made with his ring. I gulp the beer before driving off.

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