Chapter 15

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A hand on my arm instantly wakes me up. My eyes are still filled with sleep. "Natalie, you won't believe what happened."

I rub my eyes to be greeted by Isabella's blue eyes. I sit up straight "Where's Percy?" She shrugs "I have no idea."

I instantly change the subject. "Where did you go last night?"

She blushed making me cover my face with my hands "I don't want to know." I grumbled.

"No, it's nothing like that. It was just unexpected and sweet." I move my hands from my face and smile at her. "What happened?"

"So we were out looking for our first clue in this little café, you know the one where there's that big board where everyone hangs their picture?" I snort. "Not at all, but go on."

"Well, we were walking around the café looking for the clue when I spotted our photo from a few years ago. I turned it over and saw writing that wasn't there before. 'I may or may not be in love with you – Grayson. And so I called him over and asked him about it. He blushed and told me he wrote it after everything went down with Winter and his friends. He didn't want to mess it up, so he left it there. For the past two years."

I didn't realize it at first but the smile on my face was growing with each word. "Then what happened!" I went on like a middle school girl.

"Well we got to talking and the next thing I knew we were going on a date. We lost track of time and to be honest I think I might have made the best choice of my life by letting him back into my life."

"I... I can't believe it. I mean I can but like I'm so happy for you!" I pull her into a hug. "Come on you have to win this challenge for us." She smiles. "Get ready and come wait with us for the next challenge."

I gave her a bright smile and quickly got dressed before running out and taking my spot by Isabella, Percy and Grayson.

The judge walks up to the stage and grabs the microphone "Is everyone ready for the second last day of the challenges?" He shouts causing us to cheer in response.

"Even though last night's challenge wasn't as interesting as we thought it would be we changed the challenge up for today just to keep things interesting. So what do we say to a 24-hour handcuff challenge? You and your partner will be stuck with each other for the next 24 hours. No ifs or buts, so I hope you've all gone to the bathroom because as of now this challenge is in motion."

I turn to Percy with wide eyes and all he does is give a bright smile in return. This isn't a good idea I can feel it in my gut. They put on the handcuffs and give us a good luck pat.

"Remember how we joked about always being around each other?" Percy chuckles beside me. "Don't even start." I glare at him. "So... what are we going to do?" I ask looking around.

"Why don't we go on a double date?" Isabella smiles. I look at her with wide eyes before looking at Percy. He turns towards me copying my facial expression. "I sure?" I reply.

We follow Isabella and Grayson who are leading the way. We walk into the café and I realize it's the one she was describing to me earlier. At the back of the café, a whole wall is filled with pictures of the people who have entered here and left their mark.

I take out my chair as Percy does the same, we try to take our seats but get hooked on the chair. I look at our hands laughing. I stand up waiting for him to be in front of his chair and finally take our seats.

"This whole thing is going to get annoying fast," I state pointing to our hands. Percy leans in closer to me and I suddenly feel my chair being dragged closer to his and him grabbing my hand into his resting them on his knee.

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