Chapter 10

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Percy is gone and I'm left alone with my thoughts. And maybe for once, that's a good thing. Maybe I need some time to think things through... some space to get clarity on some aspects or maybe just to fall asleep over and over again so that I don't feel a thing anymore. Maybe that should be my new goal. To not care.

My birthday is in 3 weeks and the only thing I have to show for it is being taken for an idiot and a best friend that doesn't tell me anything anymore.

I try to fight these thoughts, but in the end, they always win and I'm down to my last solution. Take a long shower to drown them out.

The water envelops my body and I feel the tension disappearing. My music is loud and I'm screaming the lyrics into the empty suite.

Driver's license by Olivia Rodrigo plays and I sing my heart out.

"Natalie?" I hear my name and instantly stop. I look around to find a towel and to my great luck, there are none. "Natalie" I hear it again this time closer.

"Don't come in here I'm busy!" Footsteps come closer and as quick as I can, I climb out of the shower. Running to the door, I feel my foot give way under me as I slip. Crashing down I wince in pain as I instantly feel a bolt of pain through my butt.

"Are you okay?" I crawl towards the door scared of my balance failing me again and close it. With my back to the door, I scream "Yes..." I scream out of breath "No. Can you bring me a towel?"

"Umm... sure." Footsteps come closer and I open the door wide enough to let my arm through to grab the towel.

Slowly standing up with the towel around my now cold body I walk out to see Percy sitting on his bed. "You doing okay?" I walk past him grabbing clothes out of my bag. Trying to avoid his question "Yeah, I just fell that's all."

He gives me a stare that shows that's not what he meant "I'm fine Percy it's just not a great feeling."


I get dressed and instantly get back into bed. "How did you slip from getting out of the shower?" Percy snorts after a long silence.

"I- I panicked when I heard someone and slipped okay..."

"Okay, but who else would it have been." I stare at him blankly... "I don't know... An intruder."

"An intruder... who knows your name. Real smart." He scoffs.

"Can you just leave me to be sad in peace?"

He puts his finger on his chin as if he's thinking like a cartoon character, his eyes looking up at the ceiling before returning to mine. "Mmm... No, I'm good."

"So what are we going to do today?" My expression changes to one of disbelief. "Percy, I'm staying in this room till we go home."

"Oh come on you can't do that. We have 20 more days till you're 18 and 19 more days till I am 18. We have to go live and make mistakes and you still have to kiss someone... remember." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I cover my face with a pillow "Don't remind me."

"Come on Nat, today it's going to be me and you. Like the good old days."

I laugh at his comment. "Well if you put it that way." A smile makes its way across my face.


We walk down the street "You know what... I think I'm happy being the old lady with a lot of dogs... no offence to cats but dogs are more cuddle worthy."

"Nat you're not going to die alone. You're being overdramatic." I stop and stare at him. "I never said I was going to die alone." He turns, and his eyes are wide. "That's not what I meant." He panics "But that's what you said." I look at him and burst out in laughter.

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