Chapter 20

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I turn in my bed letting out a sigh as I roll over for about the thousandth time. I just can't fall asleep after the nap I took on the beach earlier. I still can't believe I finally learned how to surf... well kind of... okay fine not exactly, but it still felt amazing. I grab the curtain opening it to look out at the star-filled sky. The ocean seems so peaceful. I take the blanket off of me and sit up straight contemplating if I should just go sit at the beach for a while. I turn to Percy seeing his chest rise and fall with his steady breathing. It puts a smile on my face.

I get up from the bed put on a pair of sandals and throw on a jacket in case it's cold. I grab my phone off of the table next to the door and make my way outside. I slowly close the door trying to make the least amount of sound I can. The bright lights momentarily blurred my vision until it finally adjusts. I hurry down the hall towards the elevator as if someone is going to scream at me for breaking curfew. I suddenly feel my phone vibrate in my jacket pocket pulling it out to see it was a text message from my mom.

Mom: Haven't talked to you since you left. Are you okay? Miss you! Xxx

I smile at her message and send a heart emoji as a reply. Shoving the phone back into my pocket.

The elevator opens and I step around the people laughing as they walk into the elevator. Drunk. I giggle at their slurred words. Walking out into the chilly air. Mentally thanking myself for putting on a jacket. I grab my phone dialling my mom's number. It doesn't even ring three times before she answers

"Hey honey, I'm so glad to hear your voice." I smile "Hey mom. Sorry, we've been kind of busy." She lets out a laugh. "Well tell me about it I'm all ears." I let out a breath "Well there is a lot to tell, but none of that is important." She laughs "Okay then tell me something important." I hesitate for a second. "I think I might be in love with Percy." There is silence on the other end "Well I was wondering when that would happen." My mom snorts. My mouth falls open "What?" I reach the beach and take a seat on the sand, the moonlight shining over the whole beach "Honey, it's not hard to figure out. It's bound to happen in long friendships like yours. So when are you going to tell him?" I let my head hang "I can't do that mom. He's going to laugh at me." She lets out a sigh "So you're just going to let him walk away because of the fear of rejection?" I stay silent for a moment thinking about her answer. "Yes," I reply feeling angry at the truth in her words. "Listen mom I have to get to bed it's almost 3 in the morning. Love you." She sighs I can hear the disappointment in her voice "Love you too. See you soon." Saying goodbye, I hang up the phone. I watch as my screen turns black and then let my chin rest on my knee as I hold my legs in between my arms.

What am I going to do?


I close the door to our suite and quickly check the time only to realise I had been sitting on the beach for another hour before coming home. The dark is slowly fading into light. I put my phone back on the table, took off my jacket and fell onto the bed. My eyes burn and I feel them slowly closing. My eyes shoot open as an alarm goes off next to me. Percy's phone is blaring a stupid ringtone and I watch as his head turns to hit the stop button and stretches his arms out above his head. He turns his face towards me with one eye open "Good morning to you too." My lips turn into a thin line as I cover my face with a pillow. "I need more sleep." I hear a muffled yawn and then a shove against my body. "Get up. Get up. We have to get moving." I throw the pillow against his chest. "It's not even 5 in the morning yet just calm down." He laughs "That is no excuse." I look at him his hair is a ruffled mess and his eyes are light green. The light shines perfectly onto his face showing his light freckles. You wouldn't notice them daily unless you were focused or had known him for almost 10 years.

"I'm going to take shower and once I'm done you better be in a better mood." He smiles and turns walking into the bathroom.

I close my eyes turning to my side. He can wake me if he needs me. I think to myself throwing the blanket over my head. My mind doses off as I hear the bathroom door open.

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