Chapter 30

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I woke up this morning with a new positivity filling my body. I instantly got out of bed and watched myself in the mirror. Did yesterday happen or am I still dreaming? I skipped out of my room and down the hall towards the kitchen where my parents are both seated with their coffee cups. "There's the birthday girl." My dad yells. He motions me to come closer and pulls me in for a hug. "Today is going to be amazing." I grab a mug from the cabinet and make myself a coffee. "So are you going to tell me about what happened between the two of you yesterday?" My mom asks a cheeky smile on her face. "We might have sorted out our little problem... and he is staying in town..." I squeal with joy and my mom's face instantly lights up. "I am so happy for you." She says as she pulls me in for a hug.

I hear the doorbell ring and instantly make my way towards the door. It must be Percy. I swing open the door and instantly take a step back. "Isabella?" I ask shocked. "How? Why? I didn't send you my address." She lets out a laugh "Percy sent it to Grayson last night because we couldn't reach your phone." I slam my hand against my forehead. "I think I forgot it at Percy's last night." Isabella shoots me an amused smile "Oh really. So what happened?" I gesture for them to walk in "Well let's just say we aren't just friends anymore."

She lets out a high-pitched squeal "I can't believe it." She pulls me in for a hug as she jumps up and down. "Wow, I'm getting a lot of hugs today. Even for my birthday." I laugh as she lets me go. "Oh shoot. Happy birthday and here is your present." She gives me the thick envelope in her hand. I open it and find a bunch of pictures. "Are these all our pictures from vacation?" I ask looking through them. She nods. "Yeah, I didn't exactly know what to get you so I decided to get our memories printed out." I look at her with puppy dog eyes "I love it!" I notice some I never even saw her take. "These are going on my wall!"

We walk past my parents and go straight into the living room. "So why haven't you gotten ready yet if it's your big party today?" Grayson asks as we take our seats. "I just woke up. Give me a break." I scoff.


The music is playing and people have started to arrive. My mom and I just got back from getting the cake and are currently putting it on the kitchen counter.

I walk over to the living room and find Isabella talking to Grayson. "Have you guys seen Percy?" I ask to which they both shake their heads. I grab my phone from my pocket sending him a text.

Me: Hey are you here yet?

Percy: Yeah I'm outside.

I walk towards the garden to find him in a conversation with my dad. I grab a hold of his arm "Hey dad, do you mind if I steal him away now." Not waiting for a reply I walk with him back to the living room. "Isabella. Guess who lost the bet." I say trying to hide my laugh. Grayson spits out the sip of the drink he just took and Isabella's eyes widen. "Dude, what the actual fuck happened to you?" Grayson asks with his mouth hanging wide open. Percy lets out a nervous laugh. "I lost the bet..."

Grayson laughs "Ooh and today Natalie is getting her buzz cut too." I look at Percy and then back at Grayson. "Who do you think kissed him yesterday?" I ask rhetorically making his eyes grow wide.

"It's a good thing you're cute." Isabella teases as she looks at Grayson. She shakes her head. "Percy I don't want to be mean, but your head looks like an egg." She gives him a sympathetic look. "Well, I'm just glad everything worked out as it should've," I say kissing Percy on the cheek.

He hands me a present. "Happy birthday Natalie." I open it to reveal a book. P.S I still love you written by Jenny Han. And I laugh.


If you have read my book I would just like to say thank you for the support it means a lot. This book was a cheesy mess from the start (wrote it at 16) but I loved writing it so much! So thank you for the support and let me know what you thought.

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