Chapter 14

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"Is everyone ready for today's challenge? Sara, Landon. You won the challenge last night and so you have an exit token for this challenge. Would you like to use it?" I look towards Sara as she looks to Landon and then back to the judge as she shakes her head. "I'm glad to hear it!"

We all cheer as the judge continues to hype us up. "Well, I hope you are ready for crazy shakes. Today you will have to drink milkshakes made out of everything that should never mix with ice cream and if you can't finish it you will be instantly disqualified."

The stage has 5 tables in front of it. One for each of the teams. We take our spots and wait for the inevitable death of our taste buds.

"Are you guys ready because here is your first milkshake? Tuna sandwich shake." They put small cups in front of us and the smell alone makes me nauseous. I look at Percy who just stares at the cup in front of him. He makes no effort to look positive about the situation.

The countdown stops and we pick up our cups. The taste of tuna slowly made its way down my throat and instantly rose again. I lift my chin, looking at the clouds to keep it down before looking at the other teams. Their hands cover their mouths to keep it in. I take a sip of water before looking at Percy. He keeps looking down "Come on we got this just take a sip of water."

"Oh God, I want to die!" Percy says while grabbing the water off of the table. "You are doing great okay."

"Okay everyone survived this round just four more to go." The judge walks past each table to make sure everyone finished theirs. "Next up we have buffalo wings and blue cheese. Good luck."

The light caramel-coloured ice cream sat in front of me topped with an inch of blue cheese. The thick liquid touches my lips and I take it away. The taste of the blue cheese making the tuna milkshake I just had stirred in my stomach.

"I know you hate it, but do you want to be disqualified because of a cheese?" Percy asks me chuckling.

I shake my head and pinch my nose with one hand chugging the abomination down in five gulps. Percy offers me a high five as I hiccup the taste away. "Oh yeah, I definitely won't be doing this again," I mumble to myself.

"Everyone is still holding up well I must say I'm surprised." The judge laughs into the microphone. "Get ready for this one... this time it's a surprise."

The pink drink is put on the table please be strawberry... I thought to myself.

I raise the drink "Congratulations you just had cow tongue." The judge declares. I hear a sudden commotion to the left of me, making me turn my head. Valerie stood there, arms crossed screaming at Brad. "Are you kidding me? I'm done! I can't deal with this." She walks away from the teams and leaves the beach leaving Brad puking at their table.

"Well, I guess the challenge is over then." The judge laughs. "Sara and Landon won last night's challenge so they didn't have to take part in today's, but I'm glad they did. Now they can use it in tonight's challenge as an extra time token."

He walks in a line "For tonight's challenge you have to find a treasure chest hidden somewhere around the city. You'll have clues and have to work through puzzles to find them. The challenge ends at 4 pm, Sara and Landon can start now and in 30 minutes the rest of the teams will be able to start."

Sara and Landon run over to grab a piece of paper, they quickly read it and in a blink of an eye, they were sprinting towards the city.


"I hope everyone is ready because your time just started!" The judge screams causing us to run towards the envelopes in his hand.

First clue:

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