Chapter 6

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I wake up the next morning still in his arms and I realize how safe I feel. How safe I've always felt between his arms even when it was just a quick hug or falling asleep.

The difference between Percy and Grayson wasn't hard to see. Percy is reliable, trustworthy, and always there for me and my best friend.

Grayson on the other hand is new, living in the moment, and might die just for the hell of it guy, but he is still too new to understand.

I don't feel like moving yet and I sure as hell don't mind just staying in bed all day. My head hurts and I still feel nauseous after last night.

A knock at the door forces me to get out of bed. I groan as I walk over, opening it to see Grayson standing in the hall.

"How are you feeling?" concern covering his features.

"I'm okay, just a bit nauseous and I have a massive migraine."

"I'm so sorry about what happened last night. I should've never left you alone or tried to kiss you again, it was stupid."

"It's not your fault I just wasn't thinking."

He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly "Well we're going hiking tomorrow if you're up for it."

I give him a small smile "I'll think about it."


Previous chapter Percy's P.O.V

"I'll see you around," I say to her as she watches out the window. Not even waiting for a reply as I close the door to go find a distraction.

Being alone to think was the worst part of it all. I kept thinking about her, what she was doing and if she was okay. I messed up. She doesn't want me there anymore.

I walk through the doors of the hotel and follow the footpath to the boardwalk. Spotting a small café I decide to spend my day there.

The smell of coffee invades my senses. I walk up to the cashier ordering my usual black coffee. She hands it to me with a napkin with her name and number on it. I give her a shy smile "That's a pretty bold move." I say letting out a laugh. She smiles "Well I mean. A girl has to shoot her shot once in a while." She shrugs. I look down at the napkin. "I'm Percy by the way," I say as I fold the napkin and shove it into my pocket.

"I'm Isabella... as you just read. Are you new here?" I nod "Yeah, actually just got here like 20 minutes ago." She pours the coffee into the mug and hands it to me. "Well if you are looking for a tour guide my shift ends in 20 minutes and I can show you around." I chuckle at her offer. "You know what that sounds great. I'll just wait for you in here." She smiles. "Sounds great."

I turn a smile covering my face as I take a seat in the corner of the café.


I scroll through my Instagram waiting for time to pass.

"You ready to go?" Isabella's voice chimes next to me.

I smile at her. "Let's do it."

She makes a quick turn out of the café as I hurry behind "Where are we going?" I laugh as I finally catch up to her. "Just my favourite place ever." She turns to smile at me.

At the end of the boardwalk stood giant rollercoasters and a Ferris wheel. The carnival. Kids are screaming and laughter is coming from around us. "You aren't afraid of these things are you?" She curiously asks. "Kids? Yes very much." I laugh as she gives me a bored expression. "Oh, the rollercoasters. No, not at all." I give her a reassuring smile making her laugh as she rolls her eyes.

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