Chapter 13

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"Are you guys ready for the 2 challenges of the day?" We all cheer and clap our hands in anticipation. "For day 2 we'll be mixing things up. No more teams, but the girls are competing for the five spots and the guys will be competing for 5 spots and the last guy and girl will be out. Today's challenge is the survival course, and there is a little surprise coming up at the end of the day."

We make our way to the starting line and the girls are called up first. I look towards Isabella and grab her hand pulling her towards the starting line. We are all standing in front of the obstacle course ready to start. The countdown begins and in the blink of an eye, everyone is running toward the obstacles.

I fall into the sand, and leopard crawl under the net with Sara and Isabella just ahead of me. Next up is a wooden wall with three ropes tied to the top, I use all the strength I have to pull myself up. My feet start slipping against the sand-covered wood. I make it just in time grabbing the top of the wooden wall before my foot slips entirely and pulling myself over. A tire lays in front of me and I see Isabella pulling hers through the sand. Daphne jumps down next to me from the wall and grabs her tire dragging it to the flag about 20 feet away.

I grab mine putting it on its side rolling it just as I pass Daphne and then dragging it to the flag. "First place is Sara with Isabella in second." The judge shouts into the microphone. I bolt for the finish line. Daphne is hot on my heels. "Go, Natalie!" I hear Percy shout and I feel my legs gain more momentum. "Third we have Natalie and fourth Daphne."

My lungs finally filled with air. I take a seat on the floor next to Isabella "In last place Valerie. Sorry Gina that means you're out of the game."

The girls and I take a seat under the tree as the guys start lining up for their turn on the course. I feel my chest still burning from the challenge.

The boys start in a flash and instantly Grayson and Percy are in the lead, they crawl through the net like we did and I see Landon catching up to them. They run to the wall jumping up to grab the rope. Percy slips and my breath catches in my throat. "Come on Percy you can do this," I scream at him. They had no problem with lifting the tires like we did and simply picked them up running towards the flag. "In the first place, we have a tie with Grayson and Percy with Landon in second place." The last three make their way over "Third we have Brad and lastly Lukas which means Chad is out of the game."

We join our partners and realise that Daphne and Landon don't have partners anymore. Confused we all look toward the judge. He starts laughing "Oh right I forgot to tell you guys the surprise. It's time to swap partners."

I look towards Grayson my eyes almost falling out of their sockets. He looks at me with the same shocked expression. I raise my hand "Um... we didn't sign up for that." The judge looks at me "We know but this keeps it interesting, but don't worry you get to choose your partner. They just can't be the same one you had."

I look around panic striking me instantly. "We will be choosing them based on the girls' scores. So the ladies can choose who they want."

"Sara?" He asks "I want Landon."

"Isabella?" she looks at me with a smile "I want Grayson."

"Natalie?" I look towards Percy who is looking at me. "Percy."

"Daphne?" She sighs "Lukas?"

"Valerie that means you're left with Brad." Valerie gives a tight smile before walking over to where Brad is standing.

"Well, I hope everyone is happy with their choices as you will be stuck with them for the rest of these challenges. We'll be seeing you all later for your next challenge." The judge walks off of the beach leaving us there with our new partners.

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