Chapter 29

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Percy's P.O.V

Today's the day. I think to myself as I walk towards the kitchen. As I enter my parents start singing happy birthday with a chocolate cupcake in hand.

"Thanks, you guys," I say blowing out the candle. "So what did you wish for?" My dad laughs "It won't come true if I tell you." I joke. "I think I know what he wished for..." My mom says with a grin on her face. I roll my eyes "If you say so Mom, but we'll see."

"Okay, we still have a few things to get ready for the party so we'll be outside." She says walking towards the door with supplies in her hand. "I have something I need to take care of. I'll see you guys later."

I get into my truck. Well here goes nothing... I say driving into town.

Natalie P.O.V

"Natalie, are you awake?" I hear my mom yell from outside my door. I put down my phone. "Unfortunately yes. Why?" She opens the door with a disappointed expression on her face. "You have to get ready for Percy's party. It's like 9 am already." I throw the covers over my face. "I don't want to." She pulls the covers away. "Natalie, come on you don't want to be like this if you already know that he's going to leave." She lifts a brow "I know, but-"

"But nothing. Your father and I are going to go help out his mother to get the party ready and we'll see you there." I nod as she smiles at me. "Good. We will see you later." She walks out closing the door. I stretch out over the bed and slowly get up. I grab my phone from the pillow next to mine and see the reminder light up that says Percy's birthday party.

I cancel the reminder and make my way to the shower. I quickly shower pulling on a short white dress. Today is probably the hottest day it's been this whole summer. I get back to my room and make my bed before opening the curtains and the window.

I decide to blow dry my hair before I go find something to eat. I walk into the kitchen to find the light still burning and turn it off as I shake my head. Am I the only one that is worried about the electricity bill? I open the fridge and find some of last night's leftovers. I grab a plate and take some of the food and heat it in the microwave.

Percy will be fine if I don't show up. I'm sure of that. I grab a fork mixing the food before taking a big bite. What the hell am I doing? I can't just leave him on his birthday. I push away the plate in front of me. And walk back into my room. Why didn't I get him a present? That was just so stupid of me. I look over to the counter with the Spider-man comic book sitting on it. Maybe I could give it back to him as a present. I should probably read it first. I did promise I would.

I grab it from the table and lie down on the bed as I open it to the first page. A small white piece of paper falls out of the comic book. I frown at the paper. Pulling it out from the last page to see that it has been folded. I put the comic book down next to me and start unfolding the paper. It is a letter.

Dear Natalie,

Oh boy, how I hope you read this before I tell you that I'm leaving. I know I should've told you sooner, but I didn't want to hurt you and didn't want to make leaving you a reality so just tried to keep it to myself. I don't know why I couldn't say this to your face, but you've always made me so nervous. You have always been my biggest motivator, biggest supporter and best friend. I didn't want to lose you like that, but I have fallen for you once again. Because I am pretty sure I am in love with you. Head over heels falling is how you would put it. I don't know why I just couldn't say this to you but the number of times I look at you daily and just think holy shit I just want to grab you and kiss you and the number of times where you think you're not good enough and I just want to scream. I am so in love with you that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks, but I don't want to ruin our friendship because of it. And then there's the whole situation of not knowing how you feel. Because I never know how you are feeling. I just hope you get this in time.

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