Chapter 11

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It's 6 a.m. and I've been up for almost an hour. Percy is still fast asleep and that old lady's words are on replay in my mind. Does she think that or was she just being nice?

I've been turning all night and just couldn't fall asleep. I'm going to lose my hair.

A knock at the door startles me, I quickly walk up to the door and find a bunch of pink tulips in a vase with a notecard sticking out between them. I turn my head to see who could have left these here. I see a man walking toward the elevator at the end of the hall.

"Hey," I shout causing the man to turn around. "Do you know who left these for me?"

"I was just asked to deliver them, sorry."

I give a nod and pick up the flowers walking into the room and placing them on my bedside table. I take out the card "I'm sorry" written on the front. I turn it around to read the back.

"I know I messed up by not telling you but please let me explain... I'll buy you breakfast."

- Grayson

I can't help but smile at the note and the flowers. I put the card on the table and pick up my phone. Going into Grayson's messages for the first time since what happened.

Natalie: I want waffles if we're going for breakfast.

Almost instantly I get a reply.

Grayson: Why are you up so early?

Natalie: I couldn't sleep anymore.

Grayson: Sorry to hear that. Can I pick you up at 8?

Natalie: Sure see you soon.

I put my phone on the bedside table and walk over to Percy. I poke him, trying to wake him.

"Percy..." I poke him again only this time he grabs my arm towards him making me fall onto the bed. His eyes shoot open and he looks at me. "Hi there..." I whisper with a grin trying to hold in my laughter. He sits upright and I slowly get off of the bed.

"I um... I just wanted to say I'm going somewhere, but I'll see you later." He looks at me with tired eyes, giving me a nod before throwing the covers over his head as he lays down again.


I finish getting ready and waiting on my bed for Grayson to show. I feel anxious as the minutes pass by. Fear for what he might say or what could happen next.

Not long after my sudden hit of panic I hear a knock at the door. Wasting no time I quickly make my way over.

The door flies open with a pull and I'm once again greeted by Grayson's golden honey eyes.

He gives me a wide smile showing off his perfect teeth "You ready?"

"Yeah let's go." I smile at him back.


We both take a seat at the table in the corner of a small coffee shop just next to the hotel. Placed our orders as she sets down our coffees.

"So..." I awkwardly drag out stirring my cappuccino.

"So..." He retaliates.

"Well, this isn't awkward at all." I snort. Making him laugh in the process.

"Let's start from the beginning I guess," I suggest. He takes a sip from his coffee "Well, I met Isabella a few years ago. At the same campsite, we were actually."

"Oh, so you did take her to the spot." I let out a giggle.

"No okay, I didn't. Only you." He looks up and realizes "Oh... you were kidding." I give him a nod as my lips turn into a thin line.

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