Chapter 7

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I'm posting one more chapter because I was late with the previous one. Enjoy 💖

Nikita sprinted back while Aleksei jumped over the couch grabbing the paper from his hands. It said that Tai's been kidnapped and the address was written on it.

Aleksei got his phone out googling the location. It was somewhere near a forest. He couldn't even begin processing his emotions. Fear, panic, and anger attacked his chest at the same time.

"Is this a joke?" He looked at Lev.

"You don't think it's the blackmailer right?" Nikita looked up at Aleksei.

"Call Zakhar!" Aleksei yelled at Lev and turned towards Nikita. "You call her! Now!"

There was no answer from Tai but Zakhar answered the phone. After a short conversation, Lev hung up.

"She's with Arya and Zakhar at a camping sight."

A heavy burden dropped from Aleksei's chest. Oh thank god, she was safe... and then he replayed the sentence in his head.

Alone with Zakhar and Arya.

With that perverted couple??

"Get whatever you need. We're going to that camping site." Aleksei ordered and looked at Nikita. "We have to rescue her before it's too late. We'll be chasing daylight."

Unsure what that meant Nikita agreed that if a random guy like Aleksei was worried, it surely must be a reason to worry.

Lev just shook his head. He didn't expect anything less.


Aleksei left Nikita and Lev behind while running around like crazy, searching the field for campers until he saw Zakhar next to a large tent, away from the few other campers.

"Where is she?" Aleksei yelled breathlessly.

Zakhar closed his water bottle and pointed toward the tent.

Oh god. Oh, not his beautiful and innocent Tai.

Suddenly Tai crawled out laughing and Arya threw herself over her, grabbing her boobs.

A vein popped at the side of Aleksei's forehead. "If you don't let go of her right now.."

"You'll what?"Arya smirked and squeezed Tai's boobs again.

"Let me go." Tai laughed.

"Let her go!" Aleksei was seeing red.

"Don't bully my friend. He's going to get a heart attack." Zakhar grabbed Arya by her waist and she removed her hands from Tai.

Tai dusted off from the grass and straightened up smiling at Aleksei. "Hey, you came too."

He let out a frustrated sigh. "Yeah. I'd be more careful if I were you."

"She was just messing around." Tai laughed. "It's a girls' thing, come on."

Aleksei felt like he should bend her over his knee and just....pow for that stupidity.

Arya was not just any girl. She was as dangerous as he was and if Tai did not have her guard up she'd be on her way to a menage a trois.

"Nikita!" Tai waved and ran over to welcome her friend.

They slowly made their way to the tent. It was still bright outside, but the sun was almost setting and it was slowly getting chilly.

"Should we set the camping base?" Arya began moving chairs around and everything else she brought with her.

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