Chapter 8

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She faced him unsure what to say.

"I don't think it's a good idea either." He was quick to look away.

"Can I trust you then?" Tai asked, peeking at him slightly tempted, slightly wary.

Her heart fluttered when she saw his expression. It was as if he was looking right into her soul.

Was this playing with fire? Did the wine make her bolder than usual?

"I can't be trusted." He gave her a devilish grin. "But I'd never hurt you. So I can only promise I won't do anything you would hate."

She chuckled and covered her face. That sounded like a promise she could agree with. "Alright then. I'm freezing. Let's just go."

He turned on his phone's flashlight and they headed down the field towards the parking lot, taking a blanket with them.

The silence between them was the most intense thing she ever experienced. She wanted to break it desperately but she feared whatever she'd say he'd reply with something witty and then she'd get herself into more dangerous water.

 He looked like a guy who could never fall in love. It was written all over his style, his clothes, his vibe... She didn't want to judge by appearance, but when it's obvious like this if she said anything else to herself it would sound like an excuse.

He glanced at her and she immediately averted her eyes. Maybe it was all the walking, but she started getting hot in her jacket. She should avoid thinking about sins in his company.

They had almost reached the car so he pulled out his keys unlocking it. Tai reached for the backdoor but she was suddenly pressed into the car and turned around.

She was face to face with him, feeling his warmth over her skin and his weight over her jacket. His eyes landed on her lips and then focused on her eyes.

She couldn't utter a single word. She couldn't push him away either.

Unlike the last time when she was caught off guard, this time she could feel his intentions from the moment he offered to keep her company in the car.

"I'm only going to say this once." He whispered over her lips.

His voice sounded slightly raspy causing the most thrilling sensations down her back. "Once we get in the car you will turn with your back towards me and won't look at me until you fall asleep. If you break this..."

She turned her head away. "Well if you're going to be dramatic..."

He grabbed her chin turning her head back and he pressed his lips over hers. Every inch of her body raised in temperature as his lips slid over her lower one, sucking on it. Then he pulled away.

There was a sharp jolt at the side of her stomach.

"Well then...I'm sorry." He apologized before she could even utter a single word or do anything. She was too stunned to speak, her body slightly shaking from the nervous jitters. He didn't look sorry at all.

"It's..okay." Her hands behind her back found the door handle and opened the door getting inside.

Aleksei made a full circle to the other side trying to calm down his panicked heart.

"Can you lower the seats a little bit?" Tai asked, avoiding looking him in the eyes.

"Yeah..yes.just um..second." He sounded as nervous as her. His change of reaction surprised her.

He lowered the seats and she laid down placing a hand under her head. The car was way warmer, maybe because it baked in the sun during the day, but she could also give credit to the adrenaline rushing all over her body after that kiss.

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