Chapter 21

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Graduation day was nearing and as part of the committee, Nikita was busy organizing the graduation celebration for the students. It was a long tiring day and he was looking forward to a nice shower and some blanking out time on the balcony, but the villa had turned into a gloom fortress by the time he was back.

Zakhar had shut himself in the room to come up with the plan while Aleksei was sitting in the living room watching tv shows without a hint of a good mood on his face. It was depressing just breathing the same air as him now that he was having Tai withdrawal symptoms.

"There's nothing we can do here." Lev beckoned Nikita to come closer. "Let's talk upstairs." He glanced at Aleksei. "He's not in the right mind space."

Nikita walked with Lev to his room.

"I feel sorry for Tai and Aleksei. They're doing this for me and the guilt is there too." Nikita sighed and sat on the bed.

"At this point is personal to all of us so don't feel guilty. Zakhar is doing everything he can to resolve this. He even told Arya he won't see her for a few days." Lev closed the door behind them.

Nikita raised a brow. "Arya just complies with Zakhar's demands?"

Lev smiled. "You'd be surprised. True they might not seem like the typical couple on the outside, but just as Zakhar does everything to make her happy, Arya goes out of her way to make Zakhar happy. I'd rather not go into details." Lev sighed thinking about unnecessary details. "But, their relationship is strong."

Nikita nodded. Guess he won't worry for now. The silence in the room became apparent. Nikita heard his own breathing and the tension in the room grew. The last time he was alone with Lev a lot of things had happened.

Lev was suddenly staring at Nikita, his eyes focused on his face.

Nikita began feeling anxious. They kissed once but that didn't mean anything. They were just fooling around. His last fling burned him badly enough to remember to be careful next time.

Lev's hand was suddenly on his thigh "Why do you keep looking away?"

Nikita locked eyes with him, surprised by the touch. There was a hint of worry in Lev's eyes. He was always facing him, always being honest and straightforward. Very different from his last lover.

His ex was always tense, always absentminded and had always asked Nikita to look away as if what they were doing was wrong. Please turn away, he'd always tell him. He couldn't face him properly and always hid any emotions that would show up between them.

Before he got hurt any more by the detached relationship he was in, Nikita had left. But the slight trauma still seemed to linger. He didn't know how much he could trust Lev.

"Are you regretting what happened?" Lev asked.

"No. No." Nikita dropped down on the bed with a dramatic sigh. "I just got some issues in trusting people. I'm all confident until I like someone. Then all of it flies out the window and I wonder if I'm even wanted."

Lev pressed his weight on top of him and kissed him..Nikita went from distracted, worried and stiff to the silent space in his head that only happened when Lev had pinned him and kissed him senselessly last time.

The kiss became urgent, hard and hasty. Nikita could feel he was no longer in control. Lev was. His hands were under Nikita's shirt and then tossed it over his head. Unapologetically Lev reached for Nikita's jeans and unbuttoned them, pulling them down together with his boxers. Reaching down to stop him was futile as he was struggling for air into the hard overpowering kiss.

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