Chapter 28

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Finally the chapter you all were waiting for 😌

Tai went after Aleksei, hoping she can talk to him and change his mind. As she pushed through the crowd of people she passed by Aleksei's brother once again, this time another thing catching her eye, but she hurried to catch her runaway lover.

Outside the veranda door, there was a small balcony and a staircase was leading towards the garden. She climbed the stairs down and saw Aleksei leaning on the wall of the house.

He ran his fingers through his hair, tormented when he saw her. "Go back."

"There's no going back for me." Tai brought her dress up, walking carefully over the grass, her heels digging in the ground. "I already ruined a good pair of heels for you." She finally got next to him and let go of her dress with a dramatic sigh.

"You said that it wasn't because of me." She said.

"It's not." He crossed his arms and looked away.

"Then damn it Aleksei. Fuck your logic. Just tell me why you had to break up with me. Tell me why did everything go downhill the moment your brother showed up. Why do you let him torment you like this?"

"Tai.." He gave her a warning and then seeing the hurt in her eyes, his face relaxed. "I can't."

"Do you want me to beg?" Tai gripped his hand. "I'll do it. I can't handle this anymore." She grabbed her dress and lowered her knees almost reaching the ground.

Aleksei pulled her up and slammed her on the wall, trapping her between his arms. His eyes screamed with anger. Tai averted her eyes, realizing she might have crossed some lines.

"Look at me." He demanded with a harsh tone.

She met his eyes, uncertain if she could handle what he'll say. His hand dropped beneath her shoulder and he gripped her hard.

"You love me." He stated.

Her features softened and her lips curved in a defeated smile. "Very much."

His heart shattered into million pieces and the carefully built barrier broke. He pressed his forehead onto hers and closed his eyes. His lips brushed over hers as he whispered the words quietly. "I love you too."

Closing her eyes, Tai tiled her head, parting her mouth.

In a split second, he forgot reason and his lips clamped down on her lower lip.

Aleksei pressed his whole body against her. She had broken all his defenses so easily.

He pulled away taking a breath. "I can't..."

She pulled him right back. "You will.."

Her fingers ran through his hair and then gripped the back of his neck. Without faltering, she deepened the kiss and allowed him to lead the kiss at his pace, despite his on and off attitude. She understood his hesitation but recognized the desire. She sensed the pain in his actions but also felt the love.

She whispered his name over his lips. "Aleksei..tell me please."

He opened his eyes, looking at the raw emotion in her eyes.

If he turned his back on her now, after she told him she loved him, then he could go straight to hell. Nothing mattered anymore. No plans, no motives, no promises, no redemptions. He had to tell her, not just for her sake but for his. He didn't want to let her go. He was miserable without her and living life like that, and only thinking back on this moment with regret wouldn't be living at all.

He caressed her soft and worry wrenched face with the back of his fingers. "I'll tell you the story, but not here. And not now. I have to go back inside before they start looking for me and ask questions."

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