Chapter 11

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Aleksei leaned over the counter together with Lev who had no interest in dancing. His eyes were glued on Tai all night and he had no better fun than enjoying her looks. Lev was never a party person, but he was playing on his phone the whole night, rejecting any dance offers.

"Just go and dance with her." Lev finally told him.

"I can't. If I go near her, I'll make a mistake again." Aleksei answered.

Lev scanned the crowd and located Nikita outside with a group of people laughing and drinking. A girl had wrapped herself on his arm, laughing at everything he said. They looked like they were having fun. Guess he could go out for a smoke.

"Well I need a smoke, so you're on your own." Lev said and headed outside to the pool area joining Nikita's circle of friends.

Aleksei ordered one more sour alcohol-free cocktail for himself. It worked great in his favor that they kept him aware and conscious not to slip up and do something he shouldn't.

"Your drink." The bartender hired for the night, gave him the drink.

"Thanks." He took the cocktail and the moment he turned around he almost dropped it. Some guy had his hands on Tai's hips.

 Who the fuck had the nerve to approach her like this? Tai was surprised and she turned around telling something to the guy. That's right little one... Tell him to fuck off and not bother you.

The guy leaned over, whispering something in her ear. Aleksei was now unglued from the counter.

He was tempted to take the ice out of the cocktail glass and start throwing it at this guy. He knew very well how it would feel to be that close to her, taking in her scent and how soft her lips would be if he decided to kiss her.

Aleksei saw her friend was slowly making her break leaving them alone. Fuck!

Tai suddenly laughed at something the guy said and Aleksei's heart shattered into pieces. What kind of betrayal was this?

She said something to the guy and he nodded at her enthusiastically, then headed towards the bar. Aleksei sipped from the cocktail in a hurry and then placed the glass on the counter taking out the straw. There were not many things he could do, but he knew it was vital right there and then to take care of the competition.

Tai couldn't see from the crowd what was going on, but at least she got rid of the guy who offered to bring her a drink. She only agreed to talk to him if he got her a drink, so in the meantime, she could find Mei who left her alone without reading the signs she needed saving.

A slow bachata song started playing and couples attacked the floor. They were glued to each other, having fun and few were making out.

 Awkward enough, Tai started making her way out of that crowd. There was someone in her way so she tried to nudge them away. When that didn't work, she tried passing him by and lifted her eyes only for a second to see Aleksei standing in front of her.

"Alone?" He asked with a serious frown on his face.

"Just looking for my friend." Tai looked around trying to spot Mei.

Suddenly he took her hand and then slowly brought it upon his shoulder. Then he ran the fingers of his tattooed hand down her other arm. He took her fingers and lifted her other hand over his chest, to his neck. He pushed her back in between the crowd of couples and started dancing.

She couldn't explain to herself why she couldn't push him away. He touched her waist bringing her hips to his, but one touch alone at the dip of her back was enough to make her blank out.

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