Chapter 24

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Before I go into the chapter,just a reminder to go follow me on my Instagram account

   @ katherineyorkteam if you haven't already. It's such a fun little community and I love getting to know you guys over there.

Aleksei was whistling while naked, going through his closet, trying to find the best outfit for the date. Black was too obvious so he had to skip it. White, was just not interesting enough.

He took out a dark green shirt that was perfect for the weather, casual enough for a botanic date but fancy enough to impress her.

This was a winner.

He laid the shirt on the bed and then ran to the bathroom to find the deodorant before cologne.

There was a knock on the door and then Zakhar entered the room.

"There is like hours before the date. Why are you getting ready so early for?" He glanced at the box of condoms on the bed. "And feeling lucky?"

Aleksei put on his jeans. "I want to be ready in time just in case. As for the condoms, she likes to surprise me so this is more of a precaution."

Zakhar sat on the bed and laughed. "You guys will make a great couple. She's good for you."

"You are so sensitive lately and so in touch with your feelings.." Aleksei touched his chest. "You're going to make me cry."

Zakhar tossed a pillow at his face.

Aleksei caught the pillow. "So why are you here? I doubt you came to watch me prepare for the date."

"The principal called. He wants to see you now." Zakhar answered. "I think it's something to do with the blackmailing thing and the fact that you questioned Cora Jensen. It didn't seem important so I'm guessing it's just something he needs to wrap things up."

Aleksei glanced at his wristwatch. " Guess I'll go stop by quickly."

He figured the principal would want to talk to him about it since he was present for the questioning. It was a good thing Zakhar had good connections with the principal that Aleksei was given the benefit of the doubt despite his behavior. But considering he was a little rough and intimidating during the questioning, the principal would feel responsible to talk to him.

He greeted the secretary in front of the principal's office and then let himself in. Upon entering the room, he noticed another person sitting opposite the principal.

He leaned on the side, just enough to take a peek.

"Aleksei, you're just in time.." The principal looked down at his guest.

That's when Aleksei got the clear picture. The stern posture in the tailored navy blue suit, the thick black hair brushed back for a more elegant look, and the wristwatch, their dad gave him for his birthday.

His brother was still back turned towards him. Instead, he picked up the coffee he was brought by the secretary, he took a sip and placed the coffee cup down clinking the plate gently.

A drop of cold sweat dripped down Aleksei's neck. Just why was he here? The nauseating feeling was present once again, by being in the same room as this person.

"Sit down please." The principal instructed Aleksei to sit and then circled the desk, glancing at both of the brothers.

"It seems because your parents couldn't make it, they sent your brother instead." The principal explained.

Love and Sin (2022)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz