Chapter 19

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Hello :D I'm back

Aleksei alerted both Zakhar and Lev over the phone and then turned all his attention on Tai who was nervously tapping her foot and glancing around frantically.

"Let's go to the villa. Lev can tap into the cameras and see if they caught something." Aleksei tried to take her hand but she started pacing around again.

"This is the second time. First the stables, now with you. I can't help but panic. I know we found out who the blackmailer was but I feel like I'm being stalked. Maybe...I'm just overly anxious lately but my intuition keeps..." Tai covered her face.

Aleksei brought her hands down and held them closer to his chest. "There's one thing we haven't told you and Nikita."

In a few short sentences, he explained to her why he thought there was another blackmailer and how they were trying to gather more information about it.

"It didn't occur to you that I might want to know." Tai frowned.

Aleksei rubbed his nose with hers. "I know. I'm sorry. It was my call to keep it from you and Nikita." He really didn't want to argue with her now when minutes ago he was kissing her.

Tai glared at him. "Wow, you're even bragging about it. "

Aleksei chuckled seeing her sulk and hugged her tighter. "I'm not bragging. I'm trying to be honest."

"Ugh, I just want to.." Tai brought her first fist up which only made him laugh more. However, the fact that he was laughing made her relax.

She leaned her head on his shoulder. "Nikita also said there was something weird about the student who came to apologize. He didn't seem like a person capable of blackmailing someone. Having that person still out there out of control is scary enough, Aleksei. What if they decided to spill everything about Nikita now."

"They won't. Whoever is doing this, is scared of us. That gives us time to find them. For now, let's meet with the others."

He took her hand and they headed towards the villa. They met up with Zakhar at the entrance.

"What's the important thing that we have to rush here?" Zakhar asked them with a smirk, expecting to congratulate them as a couple.

Aleksei just gave him a head shake to remain serious. "Someone tried to take pictures of me and Tai in secret."

Zakhar changed moods instantly. He walked inside and then closed the door after they got in.

Tai glanced at Zakhar "Aleksei already told me you guys were keeping it a secret that the real blackmailer could be someone else."

Zakhar gave Aleksei a reprimanding look.

"I had to tell her." Aleksei raised his hand in defense. "This happened twice now. Yesterday as well."

"What happened yesterday?" Lev joined them down the stairs with Nikita following behind him.

Aleksei waited until they were all seated and then he told them what happened.

"I should have confronted you sooner about this." Nikita glanced at Lev. "I knew something was off when I talked to the student who apologized."

"We didn't want to say anything until we had a certain lead," Lev explained.

Zakhar leaned back into the chair and then with a decisive nod he glanced at Lev. "Pull up everything you can find on the school's security system."

Lev pulled up footage from the cameras in the area where they spotted the person. The cameras around the stables caught nothing, but for the study room there was a person caught in the hallway across you could tell they were taking pictures with a professional camera. You couldn't see the face, but the image was clear enough to tell what they were doing.

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