Chapter 26

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The sun in Italy already felt like the middle of summer, and the streets were brimming with lively people going to work, tourists having gelatos on the side of the streets, children playing in the nearby park and the honking traffic that got stuck somewhere in the middle of the center.

Tai had leaned on the window, sitting at the back of the car, and smelled the familiar scent of her hometown and all the sweet smells the wind carried.

"Do you want me to turn off the AC?"

Her driver Mateo, who she had known all her life, slicked his black hair back and flashed her his charming white smile in the rearview mirror.

She smiled back. "No, it's too hot. I'll close the window in a while I promise."

"If I had known, I would have told your father I'll take the Cabriolet."

Tai laughed. "I'm sure you would have enjoyed that. I should have thought of that sooner. Sorry, Mateo."

"Were you homesick?" He asked.

"Very." She sighed. "I didn't know how much I missed it until I arrived at the airport."

"It's a beautiful city. With good food. Good music. And good women."

"Ah, and the men are dogs." Tai scoffed.

"You're breaking my heart." He laughed. "We flirt because It's good etiquette. Ask your father."

"sure, sure." Tai laughed.

As the traffic moved along, and they were out of the busy part of town, they arrived at the huge estate with two floors, more than ten rooms, a large entrance and a beautifully kept back flower garden. It was Tai's favorite place in the world.


Mateo carried her baggage to the door.

"Did the other things arrive?" Tai asked him as she got out of the car.

"This morning. Your sister took the liberty of taking them to your room herself."

Tai narrowed her eyes. "I should have written confidential on the boxes."

Mateo chuckled. "Like that would have stopped the little miss."

"I can already kiss goodbye my new things." Tai opened the door for Mateo.

"I'm homeeee!" She yelled out and then placed the bag down, kicking her shoes off.

She heard footsteps down the stairs and then her mother showed up, tossing herself towards her daughter in a hug. Their similar long curly hair got intertwined on their earrings. Laughing, they carefully parted.

Her mom caressed her cheek. "Did you travel safely, did they give you food on the plane.. ah I'll cook something for you."

Tai grinned." Oh, I am so hungry, craving your food, but also in need of coffee."

"I'm on it. Espresso? Or did you get used to drinking other things there?"

"Whatever you want mom. It's fine."

"Mateo, are you staying for lunch?" Her mom asked.

"Thank you for the offer. But my wife has other plans." Mateo answered.

"Alright then. Greet her for me, will you."

"Of course." He smiled. "Would you be needing me today again?"

"No, thank you so much."

"I'll be on my way then. It's good to have you home Tai." He winked at Tai on the way out.

Love and Sin (2022)Where stories live. Discover now