Chapter 27

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Tai leaned on her mom's lap fidgeting with the phone in her hands. After every message, she would get more and more anxious that her mom eventually looked down at her with curiosity.

"What's bothering you?"

Tai thought about the plan she and Zakhar were making so she can go after Aleksei and fix what he broke. "Life." She answered.

Her mom chuckled and caressed her hair. "It's odd for you. Usually, you're running around solving everyone else's problems."

"It's because I'm unintentionally good at it. But for myself, it's a bit more difficult."

"Well, you can tell me. I can always hear you out."

Tai placed her hand underneath her cheek and laid sideways on her mother's lap, staring at the Tv.

Wisely, her mother remained silent.

"I met someone. He's a really special guy." Tai muttered.


"He likes me a lot, I can tell."

"I see.."

Tai sighed. "But he's troubled. And he won't let me poke at him and find out why. He doesn't want to be vulnerable around me. So he broke things off before I ever found out why."

"Do you think he was scared of telling you and you not understanding him or scared that you would understand but see him differently?"

Tai paused. "I think...the second."

"Then you know him far more than you realize. It's not easy to be vulnerable with someone. Those who say their vulnerabilities easily, tend to be focused on their wounds and what they're feeling. Those who hide it, tend to be more focused on others. Healing their issues comes second."

"I don't want to give him up."

Her mother gently patted her back and smiled. "Do you love him?"

Tai nodded. "I do."

"Did you tell him?" She asked.

"No. I didn't get the chance to."

"Are you planning to tell him?"

Tai rose and looked at her mom. "I'm planning on telling him in person. I just...worry that it might surprise him too much."

"He might be surprised, but that doesn't mean he's not glad to see you." Her mom touched her cheek gently. "He'd be more than happy to see you. I think it would be the only motivation he needs to open his heart to you."

Feeling a bit more confident in herself, Tai pushed her hair back. "I might need to borrow dad though. Do you think he'll agree? I know he has a busy schedule."

Her mom tilted her head thinking. "You can always bribe him with a good wine."

"That.." Tai laughed. "Could actually work."


Jewels and silverware glinted over the soft light in the dining room where the guests had gathered. The music was playing loud enough to fill the atmosphere, but people could still lead a conversation. Soon the hall was filled with numerous guests, from businessmen and women wanting to impress a giant in the steel industry, to people who wanted to be seen at the party and make connections.

Aleksei fixed his suit and carried his drink, following his grandfather around while they greeted guests. His parents and brother hadn't arrived yet, so he was still free to enjoy himself.

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