Chapter 9

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Tai was wriggling into bed after the longest shower she had ever taken. She almost forgot she was in there because her mind kept taking her back to the car and that kiss.

And now again she was unable to think of anything else at all. Her body was tingling all over just imagining his lips going down her neck and kissing her all over her body, touching her and holding her.

Oi..hold on...She got up from the bed immediately.

Since when was she ever considering this person. Obviously, he was deadly attractive. And it wasn't the looks that tempted her. It was something intense that he was trying to repress around her yet occasionally it slipped out. A feeling, a vibe if you will. Something dangerous about him but for some reason he wasn't crossing that line.

Could it have been out of courtesy towards Nikita or the job? Maybe he didn't mix pleasure and business.

She started pacing around the room. He was definitely attracted to her. Did she want to get with him?

Well surely a relationship wasn't in his cards, but maybe a fling? Would she do something reckless for her heart like that in the last year of high school? So many decisions to make...

There was a door knock and then Hada opened the door. "Let's go shopping."

"I just got back." Tai said.

"It's for my birthday party," Hada added.

"Birthday?" Tai walked over to Hada. "When, how, what's the theme and how are you gonna dress?"

Hada was happy to see the enthusiasm. "Come one, get ready. I'll tell you and the girls all about it after we head to the shops."

That was all Tai wanted to hear. A giant distraction to make her mind preoccupied with something else.

The town was busy as students were enjoying their day off for the holiday. The girls made their way through the shops, trying on pretty dresses, spending their allowances as if it was possible to spend the last of it, and then sat down at the outdoor terrace in one of the cafes enjoying the sun. Large shopping bags rested by their feet. They had all bought at least three dresses and then the rest were cute things they didn't need but simply must-have.

Tai was happy to find a sexier and slicker dress for Hada's party. The girl explained her idea of a subtle party which was to rent out a whole hotel venue including the pool section.

But for Hada everything and anything was possible.

"Almost forgot." Hada pulled out four invitations out of her bag. "Give one of these to Nikita and then the rest of the sinners."

"You don't even know them." Tai took the invitations nevertheless.

"It's a party, why shouldn't they come. Plus they're your friends now seeing how you went camping with them."

"Well it's not like I have anything against you inviting them, but I can't promise they'll show up."Tai shook her head. "I'm going to need one more however for Zakhar's girlfriend. He's not going to show up without her."

Hada pulled out another invite. "Done."

The girls ordered a few drinks and chatted away for the party on Saturday.

At the side of her eye, Tai noticed a guy looking at her. She turned her head and saw a tall blonde guy her age, looking at her and then looking away only to lock eyes with her again.

Tai tilted her head thinking. Did he go to their school? She didn't remember seeing anyone like that in school. And he was tall and handsome. She looked at him again and this time he smiled at her. Unintentionally she smiled back out of politeness, but that was all it took.

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