Chapter 22

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Tai was laying in Hada's lap on the couch in the living room getting a scalp massage.

"So now you still can't see each other?" Diana brought in the popcorn from the kitchen and sat next to Mei on the other chair. This was some interesting drama.

"We can't." Tai answered. "Not until we find the blackmailer."

"But you and Aleksei just got together." Mei swirled the straw in the iced coffee. "It's not fair."

"Girl.." Hada stopped the massage. "Are you sure you should be telling us all of this?"

Tai closed her eyes in peace and nodded. "Yeah, there's no way you three are the blackmailer."

"How do you know that? I might be a spy." Hada smiled.

"No no," Tai answered and waved her hand so Hada keeps massaging her head. "You can be anything, but not a spy. Your reactions give you up. Your honesty is your good trait though."

"What about me?" Diana smiled excitedly. "I think I can pull it off."

Tai chuckled. "With all your extracurricular activities you barely have time for shopping. Stalking people is the last thing on your list when you have free time."

"Do me too. " Mei added.

"Mei.." Tai glanced at her. "There's no way it's you. You like rules and to top that you've never been too concerned about others."

"I could be lying though."

"Actions don't lie. For a person who follows curfew, like it's a life and death situation, I doubt you'd feel free to break the rules to stalk someone."

"I wish we could help you," Diana said stuffing her mouth with popcorn. "I mean I have a lot of talents but I don't think they're going to be helpful here."

Tai sighed. "This whole thing it's just horrible. Most likely other people have been blackmailed too."

"What?" Hada gasped. "I thought it was just Nikita."

"No. The guys think this is a professionally done job. The blackmailer has the experience and has done this to others too most likely. But Lev wasn't able to find out much through his digging."

"Wait wait.." Hada paused and shooed Tai to get up.

Tai rose from her lap and pushed her hair back. "What?"

"You can't find out something like that through someone's phone or laptop. People talk about these sorts of things. Like telling a best friend."

"Do you have any ideas?"

Diana clapped her hands and placed the popcorn away. "We're the most connected girls in the school. I bet if we figure out a tactic and talk to people we'll be able to find more blackmailed people and find more connecting evidence."

"I know where to start." Mei spoke. "My younger sisters are first year and second year. Freshmen are the easiest targets to bully. I bet you this blackmailer has targeted those students too. My sisters can ask around subtly."

"Yes. You're right." Tai raised her hand. "Okay. Give me a minute. Let's come up with a plan and then we'll go to meet the sinners. Let's run this by them too."

"I thought you were supposed to avoid that villa." Hada said.

"I know a middle ground." Tai smiled.

Three hours later they were all in Arya's villa, cramped into the living room.

"How did you get rid of your roommates?" Tai asked checking if there was anyone else in the house.

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