Chapter 9: First Day

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[picture of Vanya in the Multimedia]

Monday morning

Kaleb POV

"Good morning Mr. Carter." The principal said to me when she called me into her office to get my schedule.

"You can call me Kaleb, my dad is Mr. Carter." I told her.

"Okay then," She said. "Here's your schedule. Your first class is study hall so I took the liberty of getting you some work from all of your classes, just to get you started. Follow me to the library."

She led me down the hallway to this huge ass library, a little bigger than my old school.

"So, you ca-"

"Ms. Rosen, Drew is trying to break into the vending machines again." Vanya said, coming into the library.

Ms. Rosen rolled her eyes as she handed me the books with my work in them and walked out of the library. I stared at Vanya.

"Is he really breaking into the machines?" I asked her.

"Of course not. I saw you and I just wanted to say hi...hi."

"What's up?" I asked as I opened up the textbook, this work looks easy as fuck.

"Nothing much. Glad to see you got home safe yesterday."

I laughed. "Yeah and I got my ass grounded for that shit too. Your parents let you have wild parties like that?"

"Oh yeah, they're very lenient. Especially since they're not going to be home for the rest of the month, for business." She said. "My sister and I love parties."

"Sneaky, I like that."

She smiled, showing her braces and dimples. I hadn't even noticed that before.

"You know, it was something I was supposed to tell you..but I forgot." She said.

"Alright, well when you remember tell me. You're gonna be my tour guide, right?"

"I can do anything you want me to do, if you're nice. Would you like a study buddy too?"

"Well alright, but for now I need you to help me find a book in here."

"Is it Marked By Fire?" She asked. I nodded in response. "Looks like we take the same reading class. Come on, I'll show you."

"I already read it last year, but I guess I could use a refresher.." I said, mesmerized by the view of her walking in front of me.

"Aww, looks like we're all out. Ms. Hunte lets us get the book on our phones though."

"Nice to know." I said, staring at her.

There was something strange about her, well not strange, more...familiar? I don't know, but I'm tryna get to know her though.

~* Lunch Time

I was sitting with Montae, Marcus, Kevin and Shaun. We had all finished eating and was just talking about random shit.

"So, I see you gettin' real acquainted with Vanya." Kevin said.

"I taught 'em everything he knows." Montae said proudly. I rolled my eyes at him. "He got in that shit Saturday night, didn't you bro?"

I smiled. "I guess. It's something about her though, I can't put my finger on it but I'm puttin' all that aside when we study later at her house."

"Damn, get it Kaleb." Shaun said, which made us all laugh.

"So KayC," Montae said. "Did Vanya tell you she had a sister?"

"Yeah, why?"

"She went out of town with their parents."


"Her sister's name is..." I wasn't really listening to him because my phone vibrated:

Lenci - hows your day KayC ?

Me - omg lenci, its been soooo great! hows yours ?!

Lenci - -.- and you wonder why i dont TALK to your bitch ass . hows that chick you penetrated the other night , vanja ?

Me - whatever and her name is vanYa .

Lenci - obviously i dont care .


I turned around to see Vanya and 4 other chicks.


"You have me Ms. Hunte with us, next. Come on."

I said bye to my niggas and walked out the cafeteria with them. When we got to the classroom, we all sat down in the back corner after I introduced myself to the teacher. She looks funny as hell too, I noticed her NY accent. I think I'm gonna like this class.

"Vanya, when you gonna introduce me to your friends?" I asked her.

"Oh, well this is Dominique, Joi, Bitania, and Sianni."

Dominique looked like a G, she had black hair with brown streaks that went past her shoulders. Joi was something else, with her big brown eyes and braces, she had hips for days, all of them did. Sianni had braces too, she looked like she was mixed with something and not just a redbone. You could tell she was the athletic type too. Bitania was definitely not straight black, she was pretty and had long black hair.

"Bitania, I say that right?" I asked her.


"What's your heritage? Cause your hair looks white but black at the same time."

She laughed. "I'm East African."

"Oh shit, young East African girl huh?" I joked.

"Yesss! Drake was only thinking of me when he wrote that song." She said. I shook my head.

"Sianni, you do sports?" I asked her.

"Yeah, gymnastics. I think you might know my friend Jalisa, we go to the same gym." She said.

Damn, I didn't know Jalisa did gymnastics. That means her ass must be hella flexible too... I need to remember to call her later.

"You nasty." Dominique told me. Joi and I laughed.

"What I do?" I said. She just shook her head at me.

I think I'm gonna like this school.


why should Kaleb care who Vanya's sister is ?


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