Chapter 38: You F*cked Up!

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Adrianna POV

I told Yared I would do whatever he wanted me to do, which meant I would get my high. I left with Yared right after the bell rang so I don't know whether or not the guys opened their lockers yet. I actually have homework so I'm hoping he'll nut quick, I can get my blunt and then leave.

Little did I know, Yared had ulterior motives. I know what the result of this will be but hey, I gotta accept the consequences.

Alex POV

Adrianna is a weird ass chick. I have to admit she was scaring me when she told me she loved me and always will and to apologize to Tiara and BB for her. That's the kinda shit you put in a suicide note. I feel for Rico, cause that nigga is so damn high off her but they playin games wit each other. I kept my eye on him for the rest of the day since we had the same three classes after lunch today.

After the last bell rang, we were all at our lockers ready to get out this bitch for the day. I opened my locker and $50 fell to the floor.

"Uh, who put this in here?" I asked them. They all shrugged, looking clueless.

"Who the fuck put this in here?" Rico said. He had $100 in his hand. "That's what was stole out of your wallet right?"

"Yeah, who the hell put it in here forreal?"

"Adrianna left her books here," Dani pointed out as she grabbed them off the floor.

"This is funny," Somi said.

"Why is it funny?" I asked.

"Because y'all still haven't figured it out yet." Jalisa said.

"Figured what out?"

"Oh my God," Jalisa exhaled. "Think about it. The last time you guys were in your lockers was before lunch. Adrianna ran her ass into the cafeteria and gave this long ass speech about how she loved you guys and how she was felt bad about Tiara. Her stuff is right there!"

"Maybe--" Rico started.

"Okay stop for a second. Forget that you've known her all your life and you're in love with her," Jalisa said. "Be rational and think, why else would her stuff be here?"

"I think you're delusional," Rico told her as he put the money in his pocket, grabbed his Physics book and slammed his locker door. "Bye,"


"What man?" He turned around and looked at Dani.

"You're my ride and I'm not ready ta go yet, so wait." She told him.

"Tiara, some nigga just pulled up in an Audi lookin for you." Ques told her.

"You not goin wit him so you can get the thought outta your head right now." Rico told Tiara.

"The first time you talk to me in three days is to tell me what I'm not gonna do? Adrianna took your money, not me. I hope I never fall in love and become so stupid that I believe some guy over my own cou--"

Rico dropped all his stuff and ran up to Tiara, grabbed her by her neck and slammed her against the locker. Manny went to get him off but Rico elbowed him in the stomach and Manny groaned out loud, clutching his stomach. I successfully yanked him off her and dragged him out the school and to my car.

"Gimme your keys." He shoved his hand into his pocket and threw the keys out the window but I caught them. "Stay yo ass here," I told him as I slammed the passenger side door.


As I walked back into the school, Tiara ran out and got into the dude's car and they drove off. I shook my head as I went to our lockers and saw Ques helping Immanuel off the floor. He looked real pale and sickly all of a sudden.

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