Chapter 24: Nausea

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Jalisa POV

I'm really into gymnastics today, I'm feeling myself.

I was almost done with this bar routine when I heard my name being called, which caused me to lose focus and mess up.

"What?!" I said. My eyes got big when I realized it was my mom. "What are you doing here? Jason is picking me up like you suggested."

She walked over to me and handed me a letter out her purse.

"I want you to give this letter to Jason, you hear me Jalisa?" she told me.

"I thought I had to start packing today? Why am I now spending the night over their house, again?"

"What did I tell you about bad mouthing me, little girl?"

"I'm not a little girl; I'm sixteen."

"I don't give a fuck how old you a-" She got cut off by my gymnastics instructor.

"Jalisa! You had it, come back and finish that dismount." He told me.

"I have to go." I told my mom.

"I'm putting it in your bag. Do not forget Jalisa." She said. "I love you."  

I rolled my eyes and went back to what I was doing. I sighed as I walked back and put chalk on my straps again and restarted this routine for the third time. After about fifteen flips around and over the uneven bars, I dismounted from my Jeager perfectly and I felt good as hell. I heard someone clapping and I turned around to see Montae.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked him as I took off the straps and put them back next to the chalk.

"Nahh ma, you not that important. Ya boy didn't tell you this my gym too?"

"Kaleb is not my boy and no he didn't. What level are you?"

"Nine, you?"

"Eight..why are you in the girls' gym?" I walked over to the beam and balanced myself before I jumped on it and landed in a split.

"I was hungry and Sianni owed me some food from lunch."

"Don't you have rings to swing around on?" I asked him as I did a double backflip off the beam and landed perfectly.

"Actually I'm about to leave, I'm waitin' for you." He said. I looked at him. "KayC's uncle told him to pick you up, but he got detention so he told me to do it."

"Well damn, just pass me around like a uhh.." I couldn't think of the word.

"Baton," He finished. I told him to shut up. I walked over to my bag and slid on my shorts. Montae wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he opened a pack of Lornadoones.

"Thanks, Anii!" He yelled over to Sianni, she waved at both of us and we waved back. I couldn't help but notice the girl she was standing with was mugging me. I just shrugged it off as Montae and I walked out to his 2014 Altima. Damn.

"Is this yours?" I asked him after we got in.

"Nope, stole it from my dad." He started up the car and put in Disc 2 of his Trilogy album and skipped to Track 5.

"Somi loves him," I said.

"I know, we be bondin over that shit."

"..How come Lebby got detention on a day when there's no school?" I asked nonchalantly, trying to pretend I didn't care.

He glanced at me and smirked. "It was a misunderstanding in class yesterday."

I nodded as he made a right and we pulled into the driveway. The front door opened and Natalie came down the steps before I could get out the car.

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