Chapter 13: The Truth..And Some Lies

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Alright so yall see how long this chapter is, right? I expect some SERIOUS feedback cause alot happens that you can comment about!

Alex POV

Laying in bed right now had me thinking, damn I'm bored as fuck. I miss my girl like crazy but I don't know how to approach the situation without her breaking up with my ass. I just need to hear her voice, she doesn't have to know I'm back yet though. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my recent calls and pressed Wifey. She picked up on the damn second ring.


"Hey beautiful."


"Damn, you missed me?"

"Yes, more than anything."

"I missed you too, Charisma. I love you ma."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Because you haven't talked to me in a long time and I th-"

"Let's not talk about that right now. How you been?"

"..I been okay. You?"

I looked at my wrist. "Peachy."

"Peachy? I guess. You're coming to school tomorrow right?"

"I don't know, I'm still jetlag."

"You're already off the plane?" She asked. SHIT!

"Nahh, I meant I might still be jetlag by the morning." I lied. I suck at lying to her.

"'re scaring me.."

I kinda zoned out to whatever else she said when I smelt weed. I got up and walked out my room. I went downstairs and this bitch was sitting on my couch smoking a blunt.

"Yo, what the fuck you doing?!" I asked her.

"Alex?" Rima said from my phone. I hung up the phone and put it in my pocket.

"Hey sexy, you want a hit?"

"Forreal Marissa, put that shit out!"

"Why? You didn't have a problem with it the other day.." She got up and blew the smoke in my face. Damn it smelled good as shit!

"Marissa, chill out." I said weakly. I was in a daze because of that weed and next thing I knew I was lying on the couch and she was on top of me, putting her hands up my shirt. She took the blunt and put it in my mouth and I took a drag as she sucked on my neck. She started pulling my shirt up and grinding on me. I took another drag and I felt my eyes getting low again. Damn, why am I letting her do this to me again?

I was about to take another drag when the front door opened.

"BITCH GET OFF MY BROTHER!" Ty said, pulling Marissa off of me. "You did that to him Marissa, that's not alright. He has a girlfriend!"

I pulled my shirt down and reluctantly put the blunt out. I walked upstairs to my room.

"Alexander, are you fucking serious?! Our mother is pregnant, why the fuck are you smoking in this house!" Ty said.

I sat down on my bed and put my head in my hands. "I don't know T."

"You need to get yourself together Alex, I can't keep helping you. I know you love Charisma so why did you let her do that?"

"I DON'T KNOW AIGHT? GET THE FUCK OUT MY ROOM TYLISIA, DAMN!!" I screamed as I pushed her out my room and slammed the door.

I texted my boys and Dri and told them to get on Oovoo. I grabbed my laptop and logged on and they were all on there so I did a 6-way group chat.

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