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Ryan POV

"Mommy, pwomise you never leave me again, kay?" My daughter Mariana told me.

"I promise baby, now c'mon you gotta get ready fah bed."

Growing up in New Orleans wasn't always great, after Katrina is when my mom's tolerance for our home city started to diminish. Then when I got pregnant at fifteen and my child's father got killed, she was just fed up and she moved us to Miami. Now it's just me, Mari, my sister Kima and my mom. DJ is one of the only guys I met down here that isn't just after what's between my legs, even though he's gotten that as well as my heart. Even though our relationship is illegal, Mari loves him, I love him, Kima loves him and my mom loves him. But he won't let me meet his parents and that pisses me off. When he brought me home last night it was silence. He took me to meet his dad earlier but it just didn't feel like enough.

"DJ!" Mari screamed, running past me. I turned around and sho'nuf, DJ was standing there holding my daughter.

"Hey baby girl, how you doin?"

"Fine, I miss you."

"Mari, didn't I just say it was time for bed?"

She pouted and clung to him tighter. "I'll put her to bed for you."

Before I could reply he was walking past me towards Mari's room. He came back about ten minutes later and saw me standing in the same spot. I rolled my eyes at him and sat down on the couch. He came and leaned down so he was in my face with his arms on both sides of me.

"Why you gotta be like that baby?"

"Leave me alone Dustin."

"You love me?" He asked.

"Don't do that, you know I do."

"Good, then go get dressed. I got some people I want you to meet. I already asked your mom and she said she would watch Mari so c'mon."

I smiled and stood up and pecked his lips before running up to my room. I decided on something simple. Just a pair of leggings and a thin sweater and my Timbs. My hair looked good cause I just did it this morning and I don't really wear makeup. I turned the light out in my room, went into my baby's room and kissed her forehead. I said bye to my mama and met DJ in the front.

"After this I'ma be in your good graces right?" He asked as he opened his car door for me. When he got in himself I told him yeah. "Good, cause you look good in them leggings girl."

"Your house is so pretty bae." I told him when we pulled into the driveway.

"This home baby, you already been to my house. You like lobster right?"

"I love lobster, why?"

He opened the front door and I didn't feel nervous at all for some reason. There were two boys, a girl and Heaven watching TV in the living room.

"Where the birthday girl at?!" DJ yelled, grabbing my hand and telling me to stand outside the kitchen.

"Birthday woman little boy." A woman's voice say.

"Hey mama. Look, I got somebody I want you to meet." He came out and pulled me into the kitchen with him. "Ma this is my girlfriend Ryan, Ryan this is my mom."

She raised her eyebrows. "And how long has she been your girlfriend, Dustin?"

"I don't got a girlfriend babe." His dad said.

"Shut up. DJ?"

"About five months I think."

She put her hand in his face and he stepped back. I giggled as two boys came into the room along with an adorable little boy.

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