Not an update :(

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Sorry if you thought this was an update but I have like no time to update during school. I might update tomorrow but it might be Saturday. I'll try to update once a week at the least. If you say you are going to update everyday then you are crazy. That never happens but if it did only maybe for a few days.
Anyways, I have a whole list filled with names to mention and thank so that's why I'm posting this. It's really long lol
I have all of the names on my phone.
soursouls halfxheart MarcelLover101 liamhype maliksslove XhulioNdrecaj halfxheart Sally1DforEver OneLovatic5er for_real_bruh28 Yana_dauntless Emma22cool ChizaAlyssa flowercrowntommo sunflower_styles LexyStylesxx stylesformiless invisiblemomo MiaEdwardsSparks AngelDel4 cathyxniall and many more.

Also, lucidsouls has a great story so please check it out. She needs more reads she's a really great writer.
Also, halfxheart has a great book of poems! I can't write poems and she makes amazing ones.
If you want a mention just don't be a ghost reader because nobody likes a ghost reader. I SEE YOU ALL! Anyways, bye my wonderful misfits and I'll see you very soon in the next update! Also, if you want to leave me some questions I'll answer them and feel free to PM me at any time. :)
Much love Xx

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