Chapter 18

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Updated early for you all 💕👌🏽

Jessica's POV
Earlier this morning I went to check in on Myles he was sleeping. I was going to wake him to tell him that I was going on a run and see if he wanted to join. Because in all honesty, if B can get with Kalin then I can get with myles.

Myles didn't wake up when i shook him so I thought that it would be funny to snapchat me pouring water on him as he slept.

I went into the kitchen and made a glass of ice water. As I was thinking of cute captions I walked back to B's room where myles was knocked out. Then it came to me 'the unwanted #icebucketchallenge 😴💕😂'.

I set my snapchat camera up and threw the water on him while holding the recording button; myles did not even flinch.

This creeped me out so I shook him really hard. Then like a flash flood, all of the memories of his illness took over my head. What if he got a fever in his sleep? Or what if he got it right before he went to sleep and suffered a long death? Death? This word was WAY too serious for me to handle alone so I called Becky.
After telling her everything that happened I was semi relived that she was on her way home. Becky would know what to do..
Becky's POV
'Kalin I am so sorry but Myles' health comes first!' I said to an off Kalin.

'But this is our first date! You know what this means? We are going to have to have a do over date! Like those non romantic cliché losers! ' he protested.

I knew I had to get serious in order to get him back.

' Kalin! You're bestfriend could be dying''

Without formally acknowledging what I said Kalin gave the limo guy directions back to the house and pulled me into his shoulder.

Myles please be okay!
Jessicas pov.

I sat next to myles and kept on trying to wake him up. I yelled and shook him with all of my force.

I placed my hand on his forehead and quickly regretted it. I felt like I just touched a stove.

I reached for my phone and called 911.

" 911 what's your emergency?"

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