Chapter 28

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You guys seemed to like the song thingy. So here's another one. "Birdy, Not About Angels" Play the song when indicated. And you know... Listen to it.


Kalin's pov

Becky and I sat here in the rain. She was holding me tightly.

I can't even understand. My Bestfriend since 9th grade, at that party. He is gone. I don't know what I'll do. I won't be able to continue my career because I'll think about him to much.

Becky started to shiver and I remembered that I have to be the man. And comfort her. So I sat up and gave her my jacket not that it would help because it's soaked.

" Let's go inside babe " I said helping her up.

She didn't respond, she just stood up and walked in with me.

The security guard must have viewed all that went down outside because he looked the other way when we walked past him.

I lead Becky into the elevator and to the  cafeteria.

"You want some food babe? " she was still unresponsive.

I got myself a sandwich and her a salad just in case she wanted food later.

As I was eating and a doctor came in. I had no idea that doctors ate from here.  He was on the phone and was talking extremely loud. Like it was obscene.

" Yeah. I was thinking what if we just keep the artificial clot in there....Yeah it can't hurt him. And that way he can live longer. "  he said.

I chomped into my sandwich full of juicy salami. It was refreshing.

" Great! " the doctor yelled "I'll notify the parents immediately! I love this part of my job....Saving lives of course"

I rolled my eyes. Thinking of how nobody saved Myles, when the doctor approached my girl.

" Hey bruh. She's taken. " I said mouth full of sandwich.

" oh please. I like older women. " he said while bending down to an unresponsive Becky.

" Hey. I think I can save Myles. " she shot up and said:

" HOW "

Becky's pov.

We got upstairs with Doctor Pryer. (Finally learned his name) And into Myles' room.

I can't believe it. It's a miracle.

Dr. Pryer was explaining his idea to me, Kalin and the Parish's.

" And that's how I can close the wound" he finished.

I raised my hand like a kid in school.

" Yes " he said pointing to me.

" Well how will that stay in place long term? " I asked

" It won't. But we can replace it every once in a while." He explained.

"That's a lot of surgery" Kalin said. And he was right.

" Yes. But it will be easier because that part of the body will be all pointed out like stencils. Now here is the bad part. " he began " I need to take Myles off the respirator. Which will force his organs to either wake up, or stop all together. "

" I'm in. It's the only shot we have. " Mrs. Parrish said looking around at us.

We all greeted Myles goodbye so they could start the procedure.

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