Chapter 19

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Kalin's pov.
We Arrived home and there was an ambulance and a police car parked in the driveway. I told Tito that he should just wait out here and then I would pay him for his previous services.

Becky had already gotten inside and I started walking toward the house, but I stopped and turned around to ask Tito a important question.

" Hey T, do you- uh. Do you like my shoes? " I stuttered.

" Your shoes sir? They are wonderful. " Tito said with a squint. "But if I may, I suggest that you go check on Myles. Sitting out here asking for advise on your already perfect style won't change the fact that he is sick. "

Tito was right. I am afraid. What if I go in there and he is gone. I am afraid to lose him.

I stepped into the house and and heard some new voices and a lot of crying. I quickened my steps and reached Becky's room.

I saw Myles on a stretcher and two EMT officers pulling him toward the doorway.

" Hey, wait! What is going on? Is he okay? " I scream cried.

A police officer who was questioning Jessica turned to me and said:

" You friend Myles has fallen into a coma".

My face grew hot. I felt so much pressure on my head that I could no longer hear Becky's sobs or anything else for that matter.

I walked backwards until I got out of the room I ran outside and saw the ambulance pull off and the red lights flash. I am assuming that the sirens were going off but I still couldn't hear anything.

Tito tapped me and was trying to speak to me but I stumbled off and began to run.

I ran and ran for what seemed like forever. My brain's thoughts seemed to have slowed down enough for me to figure out that I was in the middle of no where without my phone.
Becky's POV.
No. No. No. No. No! NO!
This can't be happening. The police officers left about five minutes ago and Jessica caught an emergency flight back home. She couldn't handle the stress I guess.

This left me sitting alone on my bed in the dark because it was getting late so my window curtain being pulled back doesn't help. I was alone and there for I couldn't hide from my thoughts.


Where was Kalin? I do not even remember him coming in after I got out of the limo.

I picked up my phone and called him.
Scrolled through my contacts until I found his.

PapiK 💕😊

The phone rang for about 15 seconds and then his beautiful voice greeted me.

" hey you have reached my voice mail. LEAVE IT. "

I called again as I got up to turn on the light and I heard a buzzing in the distance.

I followed the sound all the way to Kalin's phone, which was laying on the kitchen table.

Now how am I gonna find him?


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