Chapter 33

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Myles pov.

Kalin and I sat in this dark room with one little rectangular window way up near the top of the wall.

We were locked in this room. Kalin's shuffling feet told me that he was nervous.

We still haven't spoken. I'm just so shocked. My stomach hurts from the blows I got earlier.

I think it's been about an hour. I need to save Becky. That is all I am worried about.

It's my fault. She didn't even want to come out here I practically forced her.

I figured that now would be a good time to talk it out with K.

"Hey man. Come sit down. Let's talk" I said.

He turned around and slid down the wall next to me.

"Look. I get that you were scared when I was in the coma. I get it. I would've felt the same way if you were in one." I started. "But you shouldn't have ran off."

"I am sorry bro. I just... I'm weak. I couldn't handle it." He said tearing up a bit.

"I forgive you" I said honestly, bringing him into a man hug.

Then the door lock clicked. Soon after the wide door flew open.

There stood the main guy with the pistol. And another guy with a black hat who was holding a huge shotgun.

"Oh how cute" said the main guy. "Unfortunately you are going to handcuff yourselves to that pole now" he said pointing his gun in the direction of the pipe next to us.

"No we aren't" said Kalin trying to be tough.

"Haha really?" Said the main guy.

Kalin nodded and stood up puffing his chest.

The men both laughed and then out of no where, the main one shot at Kalin.

I darted my head at my brother.

Not a single drop of blood. He had shot the wall.

"Now here you go" the guy in the hat said throwing us two pairs of handcuffs"

They closed and locked the door back.

"You are okay Kalin. Look at me. You're fine!" I said to a shocked Kalin. He was holding his stomach as if he was hit.

I grabbed. Him and shook him. He woke back up to reality and whispered:

"what do we do?"

Becky's Pov

I was pushed into a room. It was dark. Damp and hot.

I instantly heard weird whimpers. I couldn't decipher exactly what the sound was but I couldn't see anything.

I felt around to find out where I was. I didn't feel anything for a while.

Then Julio closed the door I came in through and I fell. Onto something.

It screamed. Were there other people in here?!

I heard more and more voices. Then a flashlight came on.

I looked in the direction of the light that illuminated me to see many other girls.

They were all tied up with duck tape on the mouths.

There was at least ten girls in this room.

The girl who seemed to be behind the light pulled off her duck tape.

"What's your name?" She asked. Her voice was soft and comforting.

"B-Becky" I stuttered looking at all of the girls pulling off their tape.

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