Chapter 27

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Okay I haven't asked you guys to play a song while reading in a LONG while. But can you please play the song " Be Mine" by Alice Boman when indicated. Search it on YouTube on your web whatever it take just PLAY THE SONG. ( when it says play the song lol).
There is a pace to it. It's like when you start the music it's the sound track. Read the lyrics with the words. And when it says there was silence stop reading... Prolly doesn't make seances yet but you'll see. ENJOY.

Becky's pov.

I was walking with Sammy to this bar. We haven't said anything to each other since we left the hospital.

I decided to be the bigger person and apologize.

We both started speaking at the same time. I couldn't understand what she said so I asked her:

" what? You go first."

She looked away from me and re-stated her claim.

" Look I'm sorry. I know I should've just left Kalin alone. I just wanted to help."

" No I'm sorry" I said. " I overreacted. I should've asked before assuming he was cheating. "

She smiled and I did as well.

**mean while back at the hospital**

"Okay I have cut into the thymus gland" the doctor said while looking inside of Myles. " Prepare for a drop in pressure. If he starts to get too low be prepared to level him. " all of the other surgeons nodded.

One of the female doctors said "all clear".

The lead surgeon started to tear a layer of skin off of Myles' thymus gland. Myles started to have a seizure.

The doctors held him down and waited for him to stop.

The lead doctor yelled " OH SHIT " (see I told you he was young) as his scissors penetrated deeply into Myles' thymus gland.

Myles shaking body caused the doctor to slip his hand.

" Get a hold of the shaking right now! " he yelled at his fellow doctors.

They applied more pressure and the shaking slowly died down.

The doctor started to pull the scissors out of Myles. Once the metal had been completely reveled, blood started shooting like a geyser.

The doctor quickly got that under control by placing an artificial clot in the wound.

He looked over at the monitor that was set up to keep tabs on the condition of Myles' heart.

P~ 17.5.

The pressure of his heart has went down rapidly. But to a good level.

The procedure was finished. Now the needed to worry about the wound and the artificial clot.  

Sammy's pov (don't be mad at me )

I was walking with Becky and leading her to the bar.

She had just finished telling me about how she met Kalin.

" Aw that's so sweet " I lied.

" yeah, I know right? It was like it was meant to be I just don't know what happened. "

We walked for what seemed like forever until we reached the bar. I knocked on the locked door until my hand bruised no one answered.

" Oh wow. So you lead me to a fake place. I bet Kalin is half way around the world by now isn't he! " she bitched. 

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