Chapter 24

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Hey yall. I was hacked?! Someone changed my password! But I'm back. and inspired to write!
Kalins pov.
Sammy and I asked the registration lady about where we could find Myles.
I know I probably should've tried harder to push Sammy off but I couldn't. I mean she was just so innocent. All of the hints I gave her flew right over her head.

" room 671 " said the lady and with that Sammy and I headed upstairs.

Beckys POV
When I entered the cafeteria I realized that I was really was only craving a fresh coke.
So I grabbed one that read Samantha and went to the cashier.

" That will be $1.17 " the blonde said and I handed her her exact change.

I walked to the elevator and pressed up. While waiting I got a text.

From: My Ginger Whore 💖
How is he.

I chose to ignore it. She checked out of his life and she is not allowed to check back in.

As I got in the elevator I pressed the number six and felt the machine pull me up.


" No but I am his Bestfriend" I said to the doctor.

" I'm sorry but Myles's parents already confirmed that one person was allowed to see him until they arrived. And she already confirmed. "

She? Becky. She must've claimed responsibility to be Myles's Bestfriend.

All I said was " okay " then I left the room.

" So what is up with that guy? Is he dead? " Sammy said.

"What?! No. Why would you even- Look Sammy. I appreciate all that you have done for me but I really want you to-"

" Kalin?! Get the fuck out of here " is all I heard and then a coke bottle came flying at me.

"Babe calm down. What's wrong?" I said running to my frazzled girlfriend.

" BABE?! What about this hoe? Is she babe too? You know what I actually don't care. Doctor! I believe that these people aren't on Myles' list. "

She said so much that I couldn't even breathe. I was choking on her words. She thinks I'm cheating on her? What. No. I want to talk to her...

These thoughts consumed me so much that I didn't realize that I was being escorted back outside.

" No wait! Let me see my girl! Please!" I screamed.

The only response I got was watching the Hospital doors closing.

I started walking to the nearest bar.
I need to clear or cover up my thoughts.

My mind was playing a tune. A song almost.

Why?! But I need her. I can't. I can't. HEY!
Why?! But I need her. I can't. I can't. HEY!
I can't live without her. She knows me. She loves me. HEY!

What if she never speaks to me again? HEY!

I need her to stay with me. Maybe I should go back... Yeah I'll go back HEY!


I don't want to lose Becky. NO I can't lose her. I won't be the same. I'll go back to. Well I am going back to-



I turned to realize that it was Sammy trying to talk to me this whole time.

And as soon as I turned to her she began to ask me more questions.

" Kalin where are we going? Hello? Where are you right now? Why did that girl call me that??! Em'?!"

I ignored her a walked further toward my destination.

Becky's pov

I was prepared to let go of seeing Kalin with that girl at the reception desk but he had the nerve to come upstairs with her..

Had he cheated on me? I don't know. It's only been about 2 days. This was too much stress. I was already worrying about Myles!!

Maybe I should break up with him. Yeah. Maybe.

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