Chapter 22

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Okay yall! I am starting a competition!!! More details at the end of the chapter.

Kalin's pov.

I was watching her. Intently. Her every move. Sammy was making my bed and she did it so efficiently.

" There you go. " she said to me throwing a pillow on the full sized bed.

" Thank you I really aprieciat-" I started to say before I noticed her climb into the bed. She turned to her side and turned off the bedside lamp.

There I stood. Frozen in darkness.

" Are you going to get in? " Sammy said tuning in my direction.

I did not respond I just walked over and climbed into bed. It felt great. I had not rested since the camping trip with Becky. BECKY. Oh no where would I say I was?

I decided that I would leave first thing in the morning without Sammy knowing so that she won't want to drop me off.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by Sammy's angelic voice.

" Hey emerald. I am very happy that I met you"

And with that we fell asleep.

Becky's Pov

I woke when a nurses cold hands made contact with my shoulder.

" Miss Visiting hours are over. Unless you are family related to the patient." The nurse said.

" I am currently all that he has." I said with no hesitation. Where the fuck was Kalin.

" Oh. Okay, well would you like me to bring you a meal and an extra bed? " she asked me after changing her attitude toward me bipolarly.

" Meal yes, bed no. And could you possibly bring an extra blanket?" I was not cold at all but I wanted this nurse to have to do extra for me.

When the nurse nodded and left I turned my attention back to myles. He was looking so peaceful there. The whole time I have been here I kept telling myself that he was sleeping because it is kind've easy to get emotional while looking at him.

" Hello Miss, I am doctor Henry Carter. I am here to take another look at Mr. Parrish. " his voice startled me and I became defensive of Myles.

"Is that okay?" He asked as he stepped closer to us.

I just nodded and moved to the chair in the corner so that he could do what he pleased.

The doctor smiled and then began to examine Myles. Blood pressure, pulse, temperature, pulse again.

" How is he? " I asked.

" He is in a lighter state now. His coma is not on him as heavy. " he said to me.

" What does that mean?" I asked standing out of my chair.

" It means that it is easier for him to slip out of the coma." When he said this a smile grew on my face and occupied it ear to ear.
" But it also means that it is easier to fall under " he said

" Under? " I asked.

" It is easier for Mr.Parrish to pass away. " he said.

My heart broke in to a million pieces and I began to cry. As the doctor left the room I ran over to myles and laid in bed with him. I attached my body to him and did not let go.
Kalin's pov.

When I woke up I was terrified to see that Sammy was already up. This ruined whole plan.

"Good Morning Emerald." She said.

" Morning- uh. Can you please drop me off at Mainland Hospital?" I asked in one breath

Group comp
-if you guys get my story to 15k by the end of this month I will write you a story in Sammy's pov. I AM SURE YOU GUYS WILL LOVE IT! 💕💞 So shout this story out. Tell your kam friends goooo!

Solo comp.

I will start to leave clues in my story as to how to find my imstagram page. If you find it. And you are the first one to follow me and put the hashtag #ifoundyou on my oldest pic then I will write a kam fanfic surrounding you!!!


KALIN or MYLESTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang