Chapter 31

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Myles Pov.

It was about 11pm and Becky and I were having a deep conversation.

"Yeah but if he wasn't here for you!-" Becky started.

"But. No one is perfect b. He called. That's a step." I said.

"So it doesn't bother you that he wasn't here when you were in a COMA?!" she said.

"It does. But it doesn't negate the fact that I love him. He is my brother" I said.

Becky sighed and looked away. I pulled her into me and said:

"I love you. So much Becky. But we have to let Kalin back into our lives."

She nodded and kissed me.

"How about you give him a call"

Kalins Pov.

So I have been walking in some random direction. I don't know why I thought that I could save her. I have no idea where these guys are going.

I felt my pocket buzz. It was Becky.

Hey Becky.

Hey Kalin. Um. How are you?

I'm good I said as I walked into a cafe.

That's good. Hey look. Come over. We are at the house. We can talk all of this over.

Actually I'm in London. But I'll be back soon bye!

I ended the call because I was starting to get too comfortable with the sound of her voice. Wether I want to admit it or not I still have feelings for Becky.

I sat down at the counter and ordered a dozen doughnuts thinking about the maid. How could I have been so rude as to kick her out. She could be being tortured right now. Or worse starved!

I took a bite into one of my glazed doughnuts. The lady who served me was trying to flirt but I really wasn't in the mood. I just let someone walk into a dangerous situation.

A man came in and ordered a cup of coffee. He sat his silver briefcase on the-Silver Briefcase?!!!

I looked outside and saw a black van. That has to be them.

"Hey girl" I said in my most seductive voice.

"Hey you finally want to talk?" The lady said.

"Well I need a car. You got one for me" I said.

"Sure do" she said in her accent.

I walked out side to the blue Honda Civic and stayed in the car.

When the guy came out of the cafe I turned on the ignition and began to follow the car to go save a girl of who is nameless to me.

Well here goes nothing.

Becky's Pov.

"See! I told you. He isn't gonna change. He doesn't deserve a second chance baby. He went off to London for gods sake!" I said trying to convince Myles to let Kalin go.

"No. I'm not gonna give up" he said and then he walked out of the room putting his shirt back on.

"Where are you going?" I said using the blanket to cover up my body.

I got up and grabbed my black robe from the closet and went downstairs.

Myles was sitting outside on the front steps.

"Babe?" I said walking out with him "I'm sorry. And I'm not going to give up on him either."

He looked at me happily.

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